[ Sheogorath x Reader ]

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Roots ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

It had always called. . .

No matter how much you tried to avoid it, to not listen to its alluring, hypnotic voice. . . it had called since the day you came into this world.

Indeed you were a cursed one. Speaking his profane name since an early age, seeing things that were not there. . .

Turning away from it all you whole life, you decided to become a soldier. So pragmatic and logic, pious and devoted to the Nine, that nobody really knew that it always had called you, that it ran through your veins, was part of your system. You held your sword and donned your glistening armor with pride in your eyes, you fought so hard against the tides of Oblivion when the gates opened. You prayed every night at the Chapel, with tears in your eyes.

Because no matter what, the Shrine called.

Its joyful and mischievous voice echoed in your head, torturing your remaining, forgotten humanity.

You felt its presence lingering, even before seeing it for the first time, you were aware of its existence and it called you, beckoning you home.

You once left an offering, hoping that all of this would end yet, before leaving, you swore you saw a glisten in the statue's eyes.

. . .
It only made it worse.

It was not a voice anymore, but a pull. An inexplicable urge to follow your instincts, step away from normality and run. So you did.

You were seen for the last time gazing at The Door in the Niben Bay.

Waking up, you took a long time to process your surroundings. It was bright, oh so unbelievably bright that your pounding headache only got worse. Adjusting to the view, you couldn't help but notice how unbelievably impossible this place was, it was faulty and inhumane, defying any common sense that you had learned of in your homeworld. But the Shivering Isles also felt like a childhood dream, a long forgotten memory, and you couldn't shake off that sense of welcoming hostility.

Maybe you didn't want to.

“And so they finally came! I've spent millennia waiting for you, I was growing desperate, oh so desperate I didn't eat my eye soup”

You turned around and met his eyes, sunken and inhuman and ever-changing. His voice was familiar, you frowned.

“. . . Millennia? I've only been alive for a few years. . .” You responded.

He smirked and let out a hearty yet sinister laugh, that sounded like a thousand people were speaking at once.

“You mortals and your linear idea of time. Hilarious!”

He vanished into thin air, reappearing mere inches behind you. You didn't dare turn towards him, your confusion was way too much to handle in this moment.

“Who are you?. . .”

He hummed, his hand resting on your shoulder, long fingers tapping against your shoulder plate. “But you already know. You always knew”

Only the truth he was speaking, yet it felt vicious, threatening. A shiver ran down your spine. You looked at the void in front of you and spoke in a thin, broken voice as if you didn't want to admit anything, defeated. Yet deep down you knew, you couldn't really escape.

“. . . Sheogorath”

He hummed, there was undoubtedly a smile on his face. You felt his arms snake around you, as he rested his face of your shoulder. The gesture was relaxing, almost endearing, if it weren't for the overall terrifying nature of this place. The scenery changed around you, and you found yourself in a balcony, overlooking this nonsensical kingdom.

“Stop resisting,” he said in a raspy whisper “Isn't it beautiful?”

You couldn't find your voice for a second there.  Your eyes marveled in the scenery in front of you. The uncommon foliage, the screams in the distance, the bright colors, the metallic smell of blood. . . The impossible dimensions of the walls behind you. You sighed, nodding, a smile creeping upon the corner of your lips.

“. . . It is”

He laughed, loud and booming and joyful. It startled you.

“Good, my champion. . .” he said, and you felt his cold lips on your neck in a horrid yet calming kiss “I have so much in mind for you. . .”


Uhm so I had this dream ;;;

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