[ Eno Hlaalu x Reader ]

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Faith ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

It was a blur, the world was horribly faded.

The venom from your enemy's blade was quickly seeping through your veins and frankly you didn't know if you were going to make it. A cold sweat formed in your body, you didn't know how it was possible that you had made it this far, all you knew was that you needed to get to a safe place, and soon.

You had one place you could think of. Despite  your labored breathing and increasing weakness, you reached the hidden area in Vivec successfully, as silently as you could, unnoticed by any of the commoners. And in front of the grandmaster you shamefully collapsed, finally, a place to rest with who you would consider your only friend, the only person you could really trust.

Between wilting colors and flashing candlelight, you saw the older dunmer approach you at a steady pace.

“. . . It was a hard. . Mh! It was a hard task. . . Sorry grand. .- grandmaster” You laughed through your teeth, sinking deeper into the hard floor beneath you.

He clicked his tongue in disappointment, using some restoration spell on your wounds, “Shut it. You still have so much to learn, child” he whispered, his raspy voice holding that monotony to it. You looked up at the ceiling, feeling your wounds close at an extraordinarily, painfully fast pace. You winced, trying to stifle a scream when you felt a sudden pressure on the area of damage. You wanted to be strong to not disappoint him, to not get another death glare from those cold crimson eyes you loved so much.

There was a hint of concern in his being, in the way he worked efficiently on you, how he bit his lip, his small frown. You were flattered, took pride on it. You expected him to let you die, for the Morag Tong assassins were known to be rather ruthless, yet these effects of cruelty you had seen him use against so many other assassins weren't present when he treated you.

You wondered now. Did he consider you a friend too?

“Why do you have so much faith in me?” You asked, your voice debilitating and breaking by the second, as the pain slowly subsided.

He flashed a look at you, remaining silent. Frankly he didn't know why. You were exceptionally good yet had failed many times. Why did he keep taking care of you, or had kept so many of your disgraces silent to the Tong? He wiped your forehead with a wet cloth, a sudden shiver running down his spine as he thought of the many times he could've lost you.

He hummed and placed a tender kiss on your forehead.

A satisfactory answer, you thought as your mind slipped into darkness.

Lmao I hope i kept him in character.
My first request yay. Shirohoroshi8u  thank you it was an absolute honor. Feel free to request anything else. ✨🖤

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