[ Lucien Lachance x Reader]

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Dreadful Beginnings ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

It started on a dark night.

Bravil was hostile to everyone. A town blacker than night, blood and alcohol smeared on its walls and a deep, contaminated stench that flowed down its putrid waters. It had been just mere lack of luck that you had been born there, raised on your mother's kind words and the crime that was rampant in the streets. You've grown skillful and able to survive in such a place, clouded by dark shadows yet known by the kinder souls in the city.

Yet now you were here, pointing your dagger at this stranger that had showed up in your room in the middle of the night, with a dark hand clasped around your heart and a cold sweat down your back.

You see, someone wanted you dead.

Somewhat of a ne'er-do-well, you had gotten into some situations that could threaten your life, yet you never thought you'd be under the chilling eyes of the Dark Brotherhood. Two times they had come to take your life with them and two times they've failed, and you had ended up with blood on your hands.

You were confident in your skills and honestly a little annoyed with the fact that no matter where you went, the walls seemed to have eyes but...

... This time it was different.

By now you had seen those hooded figures so many times so you couldn't explain why now you felt such fright, despair. It was like this figure, this man in particular, brought dread wherever he stood.

You knew you couldn't kill him, and he seemed to sense that, by the calm grin he gave behind the shadows. Still, you inexpertly swung a dagger at him, trying to calm yourself down to a rational state.

“Stop it, you're only going to hurt yourself, dear” his voice traveled in the dark, a deep and beautiful, serene whisper. “I am not here to take your life. Instead, i am hear to take you”

So, naturally, you pointed your dagger at him more firmly “I am not letting you kidnap me! Do you think I will just walk out of my house with you!? I already killed two, i van make it three!” you threatened, the tears flowing down your cheeks betraying you deeply.

Than came something you didn't expect at all, and it brought shivers down your spine.

A laugh.

Hearty and friendly, yet still a mere hiss to the ones outside your house.

“Do you think I don't know? Your talents have not gone unnoticed by the Night Mother, my dear. And despite ridding her of two of her children. . . You could be a valuable asset to us. . . MhHe hummed, stepping out of the shadows, with his long hand extended towards you. And his moonlit face was nothing less than a stunning wonder, that you asked yourself if this was all real “So, my dear. . . Will you join us?"

His hand brushed against your cheek, skin calloused and raspy yet his touch was so gentle. . .

. . .

You took his hand on yours.


Ye I have a thing for this man.

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