[ Martin Septim x Reader ]

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Oath, Unbroken ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

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You watched as he ascended to the throne of the Emperor, the Dragonfires lit again, bright as his spirit, dancing towards the skies in his honor. He walked with a regal posture, yet the kindness in his eyes never vanished. He was the same man you travelled across Cyrodiil with, the same man you fell in love with.

His eyes caught yours in the middle of the crowd, and he flashed a knowing smile that still, after all this time would give you butterflies.

As the voice from the people erupted in celebration, you stepped away to s quieter place, unable to push a gnawing thought to the back of your mind. "All hail Emperor Septim!" was everything you heard for a second, maybe a phrase that would be recited across the whole Empire for the rest of the day. An illegitimate son rising to take the crown, you ironically thought, placing a hand over your stomach, wanting to tell but not knowing how.


Meanwhile, after a short speech and celebration, Martin retired quickly to his private quarters to sit on his bed and take out a certain piece of jewelry from one of his nightstands. It took him a short amount of time to fall in love with you, he began feeling for you in the trip to Cloud Ruler Temple, and those feelings became stronger every time you'd visit, when you both would stay up until early hours of the morning just talking about anything, in hushed whispers to not wake up any of the Blades. You had a certain kindness that contrasted with your mischief, and he couldn't help but fall for who would be called his saviour.

You being the Hero of Kvatch, his position as the son of the Emperor, the whole thing with the Mythic Dawn... Both of you knew you could lose each other at any given moment, and despite the fear of the other dying, you both gave into your feelings, days before the final battle, like an oath to stay together even in those final moments. It was a miracle he survived against Dagon, his body still felt weak sometimes, and now with a whole life as emperor ahead of him, he wanted to pop the question. He sighed, gazed at his Amulet of Mara one last time, and set off to find you.

A Priestess of Kynareth had confirmed your suspicion and now you were more nervous than ever. Not only you were carrying a child, it was his child. You didn't know what to do, you'd never had a child before this, you've never even stayed in one place alone for a long time, let alone the commitment of raising another person... The first time you entered an Oblivion Gate was less nerve wracking than telling Martin you were going to be parents. Divines damnit, you thought, how will he react?. You truly did not expect less than ultimate kindness from him, yet the smallest possibility that he wouldn't like the news was eating at your heart.

"No, I haven't seen her, Your Imperial Majesty, I'm sorry..." The voice of a guard interrupted your train of thought, followed by steps coming towards your direction.


You quickly gathered your robes  on your hands and slipped away towards darker, silent corridors. Why would he be looking for you? You panicked a little bit, does he already know? HOW?. You listened carefully as his steps faded away before retreating back again. Using your keen ear to determine he definitely went to the left, you power walked in the opposite direction, finding a small balcony to retreat, relax and overthink about your current situation.

You sighed and looked past the nearby buildings, past the rustling city below; up above to the sky, a bright, beautiful day welcomed Martin as the new Emperor, as if even the Divines celebrated his rise to the crown.

"[Y/N]!" You were startled by your name being called from behind you.

You turned around to inevitably meet those bright, humble eyes of the one you loved. Visibly uncomfortable out of his usual priest robes, he stepped towards you and cupped your cheek softly, easing your nerves a bit. "Emperor Septim, good morning" you teased, laughing away your worries.

"Oh shush, Hero of Cyrodiil. Where have you been? Don't you love me anymore?" His voice was soft, you could tell laughter was already bubbling up on his throat.

"Impossible" You said, leaning into his touch, and his eyes turned serious one more time so you felt a pit in your stomach.

He hummed in thought, his eyebrows furrowing a little bit and with a sigh, he dropped his hands back to a position behind his back. "Hm. We need to talk"

You turned pale "Yes we do". His eyes widened just a bit, he seemed so surprised by this and you almost found it amusing.

"Wait, we do?" And now it was his turn to be pale and nervous, as he thought the worse could happen even when he was hiding an amulet of Mara beneath his robes.

"Yes" You affirmed, gathering all your confidence, "Truly, this is a serious matter, and we really need to discuss it" Oh if he could have a giant question mark floating above his head he definitely would right now. Panic set in his gut when you continued talking, "I REALLY don't know how you found out but I'm really sorry I didn't tell you earlier"

"... My love what are you talking about? Are you going to leave me?" He asked, his voice a soft string that could be broken at any moment.

"What... What? No. Of course not, Martin. Wait, what do YOU want to talk about?" You looked into his eyes, utterly confused by the whole situation.

In shaky but sure movements his hand travelled to his neck, and you watched as his hand pulled out an Amulet of Mara, shining brighter than any other you'd seen before. "Now that the Mythic Dawn is done for and... And all of this fiasco is finally over, I'd like to make sure I'll never lose you. [Y/N], would you like to be my wife?"

"Divines, Yes." You whispered, taken aback by his words yet... Now more than ever it felt right. You threw your hands around him and squeezed him with all your might "Yes!! I'd love to!"

He gave you that deep, endearing laugh you loved so much as he also snaked his arms around your waist, picking you up and giving you a soft spin. If you were happy when you received the news earlier that day, now it was almost unbearable to take. This day couldn't go better. But damn could it turn worse...

"Now, now. What were you talking about before? You surely gave me a scare, huh?" He asked, still holding you in his arms, and gave you a soft peck on the lips.

"Uhm. Let's say you won't be the last one of your bloodline anymore" He looked at you dumbfounded, asking himself if this was what he thought it was. "... You're going to be a father, Martin"

He stared at you with a still expression for a solid minute, "Really" You nodded, almost tearing up when you saw the happiness flood his eyes.

He held you closer, and both your worries faded away in each other's arms, realizing that after all this time you still were meant for each other.


Requested by Hero_Of_Cyrodiil, it was a pleasure and I hope I did well ;v; lots of fluff and cute stuff, tbh i love Martin way too much.

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