[ Jarl Elisif x Reader ]

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Oath to Order ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

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Imperials, Stormcloaks, it didn't really matter. The Dominion had no mercy.

Everything outside of them was but a stepping stone on the grand scheme of things, the Thalmor were like a serpent slithering beneath the skins of those in power, and taking control.

You were but a mere pawn in their plan yet refused to accept it, as did your whole family, as did your dear sister, Elenwen. After all, great magic surged through your veins, great knowledge of the almost unknown was kept in your mind. You truly believed you were above it all, that if something happened they would think of you as indispensable and if they didn't, that you'd survive. You often wondered if this was actually true.

Seeking to be closer to your bloodline, you moved with Elenwen and currently resided in the Embassy in Skyrim. It was one of the busiest province for the Thalmor, you've heard, and still the work was dull; take prisoners from here and there, interrogate them, something about Talos worshippers... nothing that would often require your talents but you've heard that the Justiciars down at Cyrodiil did nothing, so this was truly better than that. Because of this, it shocked you when Elenwen had requested your presence at the Embassy, you and you alone.

"You're going to Solitude to gather intel on the Jarl" she said, way too coldly for your liking. You both sat at her Solar, a place warmer than the outside, way more comfortable than what you felt around your current company.

"What" it was all you had to say for a second, your mind turning its gears at the sudden request "Wasn't Gailen supposed to go?"

Her eyelid twitched at that moment, something telling you that her irritation didn't exactly come from you.

"There was an incident with Gailen." She didn't care to elaborate more "As you're less prone to insubordination, you're replacing her" What. It was your turn to grow annoyed. Yeah, right. Gailen can go fuck herself. "Also, your talents may come in handy, I hope they haven't waned away"

The sheer dismissive and uncaring tone of her voice made your blood boil. So much for an older sister. "I'll do it " You stood abruptly from your place and turned to leave.

Right before you crossed the doorway, you could hear Elenwen once again "Not like you had more options" and decades if living with her told you that she wore a triumphant grin as she said those words.

Elenwen was right, your magic indeed had come in handy in this mission. Being more than exceptional at Illusions you had worn out your magicka for days, laying low and undetectable at the Blue Palace. Often you wondered what kind of intel you were supposed to gather on the damn Jarl, the woman was dense and stiff, she wasn't a great strategist and didn't seem to really be the one to move troops or defend anything,  much less plan a future for the whole province. All she did was send people to kill bandits and attack random mage circles,  not really big threats for who was often regarded as the most important Jarl in Skyrim.

Your interactions with her had been short lived, intentionally so, but you still couldn't fathom how this woman had remained Jarl for so long. She had no idea who you were, nor she suspected anything.

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