[ Hermaeus Mora x Reader ]

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Fear ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

He never expected much of his new followers, most of their prayers weren't unheard but certainly went unanswered, he never cared for the ones who never got even close to entering Apocrypha and most of those who did ended up being consumed by the place itself or killed by his Seekers and Lurkers. He could observe each and every single one of them, yet had chosen to focus on you.

You had survived, although barely, and had chosen to remain in his realm, consuming each and every tome you could lay your hands on, and with confidence demanded more when you had memorized all words on every book. He found it endearing.

You sought power, power you were beginning to have. The way you wielded your weapon, the magic flowing to your fingers, he could sense it growing, and he couldn't help but feel proud. You were a relief for sore eyes to him, so beautiful, and despite him being the Prince of Knowledge he found himself growing soft for your sharp and cheerful words, your echoing voice, bright smile. He was very fond of you, and he kept letting his feelings grow unchecked and unbridled, but hidden behind his wise and cold demeanor. You could never know.

Because he could see underneath your skin, past your soul and into your dreams and he knew something that you felt in his presence.


It made something surge through his form, a sort of sadness a being like him shouldn't be feeling.

So he began showing himself to you in different forms, far from the terrifying eldritch horror he usually showed himself as. At first he was a void in the corner, black as a night without stars, in the corner of the room you'd be studying at, watching you from afar. After that didn't work on easing your nerves he tried with a more.lortal look, as human or mer looking as he could. His skin was still pitch black, so much that you could barely make out his facial features, he was abnormally tall, with hair that perpetually moved like he was underwater, and his eyes were yellow, bright and wise and sometimes there was a million of them looking back at you when you dared cross gazes with the Prince. There was still something uncanny about him yet you didn't dare speak it; you just couldn't.

Now he sat right in front of you, with his head held by his long fingered hands, hazy eyes looking at you intensely. You found it endearing, yet the hair on your neck still stood up when you noticed his presence.

[Y/N]” he said, calmly, with that voice that rumbled across Apocrypha and into your very being.

You shot your gaze towards him “Yes, m'lord?” you did your best to look at him as briefly as possible, his guts –or where they should be– twisted with sadness when he noticed this.

Still, he tried.

The feeling of a cold, uncannily smooth hand over yours distracted you from the parchment in front of your eyes.

Let me know you” he whispered. You trembled.

You already do, don't you? You know everything” you stated, trying hard to focus on the words that danced freely in the pages before you.

He shifted his position, and the realm trembled. “Yes. But I would rather you tell me” you looked up at him once again as your heart skipped a beat, your face flushing immediately after he had said those words.

Alright. Ask away” you gave him the brightest smile you could've mustered without trembling, and he let out a shaky sigh.

Are you scared of me?” he tilted his head to the side in an inhumanly straight angle.

Yes” you admitted. There was no lying to him and you were smart enough to know it. The way he cherished you grew even more in that moment. “Yes I am, m'lord

Why? I have done my best to present myself as mortal as possible to you, why are you still afraid?” he sounded genuinely curious, and genuinely hurt. You frowned slightly and looked at him finally, no avoiding his all seeing gaze. The thought of a daedric prince trying to make you more comfortable by appearing more human warmed your heart.

M'lord, I'm not afraid of you because you look uh...- scary. It's because you're so powerful and could vanish me from existence in a second” you admitted, growing a small bit embarrassed.

I would certainly not go that. Quite the contrary, I would keep you alive for eternity so I can have you as company for millenia” his voice rumbled, now two of his hands placed around yours in a soft and gentle touch.

Your face and ears grew red and warm, this whole situation was enough to make you flustered, yet you still smiled, feeling a bit more relaxed around him.

As so.” he continued, “would you humor me in what you mortals call courting? Mhm. A date? I will take you to see wonderful worlds you would not ever imagine. What do you say?” a glance at his curious eyes was enough for you.

You nodded and smirked, shy but sheepishly “I'd love to

Wonderful” he whispered as he engulfed you in a ghastly embrace, pulling you away from your books to another place in space and time.


Let's romanticize the eldritch horrors beyond our comprehension 🖤💚✨

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