[ Mannimarco x Reader ]

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Memories ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

The air was sweet, but it threatened of thunder.

"Ey, Manni. Vanus was looking for you, something about where you were last night, I don't know" You sat next to him, overlooking the waves crashing over Artaeum. He scoffed, letting out a crooked smile.

"He won't understand".

Both of you were young and bright eyed, eager to learn and experiment, you were the youngest people ever recruited by the Psijic Order until Vanus arrived. This caused a bit of rivalry between you three but ultimately you and the pair of Altmer had become inseparable.

You paid no mind to his response. He had become unpredictable and secretive with his experiments, usually working days at a time, reclused in his room with his nose in a book. His gaze was icy, but passionate, and you lived for it.

"I wonder, how's everything past the ocean. Will I ever be able to walk those lands?"

You sighed. For both of you, Tamriel was but a long forgotten, blurry memory. A vision, even. You felt his hand rest upon yours, you put your head on his shoulder.

"But you would understand, right?"

You looked at him and smiled.

"Of course".

Soon enough he had shown you his life's work. Deep inside you knew that you should feel horrified, he was dabbling in chaotic, Padomaic powers yet you couldn't help the intrigue, the pull. So you kept it a secret, even helped him, now it was you and him alone, in the dark, and Galerion didn't trust.

He was caught, one night. He had tried to show Vanus this new kind of magic, and he had freaked out on him. You listened as the others screamed Treachery, watched him go to never return.

"I am sorry," Vanus said, "Now it's just the two of us."

And it wasn't true. It was him, and then there was you, with your heart far away, soaring over Tamriel, looking for someone in a cold, dark place who was doing equally cold, dark deeds.

Unorthodox beliefs led Vanus and you to leave Artaeum. He formed the Mages Guild, you taught alongside him and spent much pleasant time in there, no matter your heartache. Your magic was incomparable yet you found yourself dabbling in the darker Conjuration branches again. Vanus was sad, disappointed, even, when he let you go.

And you walked without a path for a long time, before you and him encountered again.

Your hands met like those of long lost lovers as he stared at you from the dark. His icy yet passionate gaze now glowing blue from lichdom, and you lived for every time your eyes met.

Doubtful, you were for a second, yet when you took his hand, your worries vanished.

You'd make Tamriel bleed.


I had to. I love him.

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