[ Cicero x Reader ]

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Long Lost Blood ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

A great fame preceded your name, and not for good reasons. You were a hitman, a murderer for hire, and rumours had it that your strike was deadly to any that would cross your path. It was natural that someone like you would cross paths with a group like the Dark Brotherhood.

Many wanted you dead, you knew it since the day you got into this profession, and so far you knew of more than four black sacraments made with you in mind. They're idiots for sending all these rookies, you had thought, the last time you wiped the blood of a Dark Brother off your weapon. But now you stood before an assassin whose stance alone made it known to you that he'd been doing this for a long time.

He seemed to be an imperial, with a cold, menacing gaze and an equally chilling laugh, with a particular mad edge to his voice. "You have brought enough death to the Black Hand, I'll end you here"

And he tried.

You both fought fiercely, daggers clashing with breaking force, each strike that one would make, the other could easily block, and while finding it deeply annoying, both of you were eager to have finally found an opponent of the same level. It was quick, a small opening showed up for you to launch a kick to his stomach and, sparing his life you ran away from the place, getting lost in the shadows with a wink towards him.

Meanwhile he laid there, staring at the place you had been a second ago. He stood up and smirked. The Brotherhood would surely punish him for his failure, bit this would not be the last time he'd see you.

That was the first encounter you both had. The next one was at an inn, where you'd been resting for the past few days after a particularly long and complicated mission. Everything had gone well but at the the third day you'd notice the absence of the waiter that had been attending you, one that you knew even from previous stays, and now he'd been replaced by a handsome man in redguard attire... And a very familiar gaze. You stopped eating what was given to you and, when you could, you slipped past him to the cellar.

"You didn't have to kill Valyn, you know?" You said, watching him remove his headscarf to reveal the same imperial man you had encountered before.

"You're really resistant to the poison, eh?" He laughed, showing you the small vial on his hand. His voice held a tinge of anger, and victory "You'll be dead in a second, so I'll tell you; i did it because it was fun"

"I didn't eat anything. You won't kill me today, Imperial" His eyes widened, as did your smile.

"Cicero" he whispered, slipping away through a window before you started anything in this place. "My name's Cicero"

And so it continued. You found traps in your inn room, shards of glass in your food. You had countless arrows and throwing knives thrown at your head, missing you by sheer millimeters, he had tried to sneak behind you and stab you, he had hijacked millions of things in the place you called home. But you had avoided death for so long, and he hated it, so much that you were constantly on his mind.

"Why don't you join us?" He had said, one night while you were sitting in a rooftop. You threw the apple you were eating at him, he caught it before sitting down beside you.

"I thought you needed to be invited into it" you looked back at him, doubtfully chewing on the fruit you had given him.

"Well, this is it." He unbuckled a dagger, blacker than night and shining with some kind of enchantment, "There's a sanctuary in Cheydinhal, another in Bravil. Come to us when you feel ready"

"I will, thank you" Giving him a side eye, you put a hand above his, knowing that the days of trying to murder each other were over for now. "...Stay tonight"

He did, and you both woke up at each other's side and you saw him out the next day. Your days of loneliness were over now, or so you thought.

The plan was to go to the Sanctuary once you finished a mission you had, the last one before abandoning this side of the job forever. Once you had finished it you returned to Cyrodiil, and found nothing but ashes, debris and emptiness in both of the sanctuaries. Your trail upon Cicero went cold, and you returned to your own darkness.

Months had passed and your job had taken you to Skyrim. Right now you were travelling from Dawnstar, by foot so no one would notice your passing. With your hood up and gaze down, you passed a troubled man with a carriage, and a strange but rather familiar voice. You looked up, taken aback, finding the same imperial man you had met months ago.

"Cicero?" You called, watching him turn to look at you and immediately recognize you.

"[Y/N]? Is that you?" He stepped towards you and embraced you. His voice was more jumpy and he seemed way more eccentric than he was before. But it was him. And you were glad. "Cicero is SO happy to see you, oh yes"

You laughed and turned his face towards you, and placed a long kiss on his lips, which he reciprocated eagerly.

Life had brought you back, and you would not lose him again.


My first Skyrim crush ( ´•̥-•̥' )꒰◍ˊꈊˋ◍꒱

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