[ Erandur x Reader]

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Falling Skies ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

You were already half frozen to death when he found you, buried half a foot deep in hail and snow. The province's inhospitable tundras have been so hostile to you, you would've went to Sovngarde if he hadn't brought you to safety.

Sovngarde. A place where, he found out later, your soul had no plans on going.

He hadn't meant to be nosy, but after finding out that nobody really knew who you were, where you'd come from, not even your name, snooping inside your journal was the only solution he'd thought.

He didn't know why, yet his heart ached when he found out your soul belonged in Quagmire.

[Year 195, 4E. 12th of Hearthfire.

I heard her voice, Within my dreams!
For the FIRST TIME, after so many years, I've heard her voice! Rejoiced, i felt, when green pastures dried up, when the running waters turned into blood!
The nightmarish lands I've seen in my onírico travels are a sign, a sing that she has finally listened to my voice, to my prayers!
How beautiful, the pain, the tears. One has never felt true love until embraced by her cold arms.
I'll bring her more blood, tomorrow! And she'll finally see how worthy i am of being her champion.


His throat was closed with a lump. Your ramblings were disordered, manic, even. You were a fanatic, a worshipper. He looked at your face, so peaceful in your slumber. One day he'd been in your place, maybe the Divines put you in his path for him to lead you out.

It took you a week to fully heal, for your mind to stop being disoriented and adjust, if anything, to your surroundings. Finding yourself in a place unknown, surrounded by the faces of strangers had been rather traumatic for you, you didn't speak, ate minimally and didn't let anyone touch you. All the time you'd been unconscious your mind was filled with dreams of peace, and you dreaded that Lord Vaermina had abandoned you.

His presence was strange, you thought. He helped you, healed you, yet there was a strange aura to him, the feeling you had that he went against everything you were. A priest, you guessed, based on his robes.

No matter that, you both opened up to each other. Neither of you spoke about your past, yet the laughter made your life better until the pain on your body was bearable. You had walked out of the inn he stayed at, yet returned the next day, and the day after that. You hoped you hadn't grown to care about him, but every hour you spent with him became so beautiful, so cherished.

One night, late and dark, he'd walked into your room at the inn and found you staring at the ceiling, with your journal clutched in your arms.

“Can't sleep?”

“I don't want to” your voice was a mere, raspy whisper, with the ghost of already fallen tears.

He sat beside you, took your hand and smiled. His hand was warm and welcoming, yet you couldn't help feel a sense of rage from his touch. That was your mind, you thought.

“I know what you're going through, i understand”

You looked at him as if he were mad.

How could a mere priest even fathom the loss of your nightmares, the abandonment from Lord Vaermina, that loneliness, that welcoming hostility of the world.

Your lips curved up into a smirk, almost amused, almost condescending.

“You don't”

The Dunmer smiled, spoke with a whisper, staring at your eyes.

"I do. The nightmares are gone, aren't they? You want them back. I understand”

You stared at him in bewilderment. How could he know? This shouldn't be true, this can't be true!. You mind wandered around for a painful minute, yet somehow you felt understood, finally, by someone outside of your dear sanctuary.

“It's alright,” he continued, squeezing your hand so tenderly “It is alright to feel that way. Maybe life wants you in another path”

It was in that moment that he regretted his words. The joy in your eyes turned into betrayal, disgust. Fright? You pulled your hand away from him, your next words spoken wth malice, anger.

“Get away from me”

It was expected, but it still was painful how the next day your bed was empty. You didn't come back, he didn't even get to say goodbye, or see your robed form disappear between the snow. All those years he still remembered, his head still turned when he saw a figure resembling yours, or heard a voice with the same timbre. Yet you were long gone.

The winds of Skyrim took away the memory of you.

The next time he saw you, it was agony. He should've expected it, yet somehow it didn't come to mind that you could be in that dreaded place. He hadn't realized it was you until your glossy eyes stared at him with a pained smile. It was too late, he had barely reached the room when the Dragonborn plunged his shortsword into your heart.

You had protected the Skull of Corruption with your life, and even he felt the rage coming from the Lord of Nightmares when your body hit the floor.

Still, your last gaze was towards him, it had some sort of recognition. In your eyes, there was love.


A rather sad one.
Sorry, I'm not dead, my autistic ass has just been hyperfixating on The Legend of Zelda for the past few months, but I'll be returning to TES soon!!!

I also have no idea who to write next SJKSJS. If you have any suggestions, feel free to comment!!!!

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