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It was finally settled. May was going to kill Dawn. For some reason or another for the past 6 months, Dawn had been completely set on getting her and Drew together. It was so frustrating and annoying! Like she could ever lower her standards to date Drew! He was a total inconsiderate jerk not to mention the weird green hair and the purple jacket. Sometimes though, if she looked at him just right, he wasn't that bad. And when it was late at night and she couldn't sleep, she occasionally thought about him and he would suddenly seem much more appealing. Her subconscious was quite silly sometimes. In any case, he was arrogant and coy and she longed to wipe the smirk right off his face.

Dawn's schemes had ranged from locking them in a closet together, a forced blind date, constantly shoving her into him, leaving them alone together, etc etc. The fall holidays had been full of traps, but Dawn really outdid herself this time. At their Christmas party, in every doorway and archway of their house except the front door there was mistletoe hanging. She, Misty, Dawn, and Leaf rented the house together and they decided to have a Christmas party and invite all their friends but clearly it was a bad idea to let Dawn be in charge of the decorating. She was a fashion designer and had an eye for decorating, but it was clear now that her devious side couldn't be contained.

"You are taking down all the mistletoe," May demanded as she stood next to Dawn in the living room.

"No I'm not," Dawn giggled mischievously.

"Christmas is not about making out! There's way too many!" May exclaimed angrily, her cheeks flushed with red.

"Well I want my Christmas present to be you and Drew getting together and if it takes mistletoe to do that, then I'll do whatever it takes," Dawn said matter of factly.

"Let's make a deal then! You can only have one mistletoe!"

"But what's in it for me?" Dawn pouted. May hesitated. She hadn't thought about it, she just had to get all those mistletoes down.

"Um... you can use whatever dirty tactic you want to try and make it happen?" She said cautiously.

"Hmmm, that's not enough~" Dawn sang.

"What more do you want?" May asked exasperatedly.

"I've got it! Not only can I use whatever trick I want, if you two get under the mistletoe you have to kiss him!" Dawn said.

"Well duh," May said confused.

"I mean as in not a kiss on the cheek or forehead or anything like that. Fully on the lips! Not just a peck either! A full on kiss!" Dawn demanded. May felt her cheeks become warmer and an anxious feeling twisting in her stomach. A full on kiss? She couldn't chest her way out of this one. But it was that or have a bunch of mistletoe everywhere. The odds were less with just one.

"Do we have a deal?" Dawn asked, reaching out her hand.

"I guess..." May said as she gripped Dawn's hand. They shook on it and now there was no going back.

The party started at 6:30 pm and a little before that was when some friends began to show up. It was a come and go social, no gifts required unless somebody had a present they wanted to give to someone. In the living room, a marathon of Christmas movies played on the tv. The entryway into the kitchen from the living room had the one mistletoe looming overhead. In the kitchen and dining room was where the snacks were all set up.

"Hey May!" Dawn called to her as she was welcoming Solidad and Harley in. She looked away from her coworkers as Dawn motioned for her to follow her.

"I'm sorry, please excuse me, I'll be right back," she apologized as she followed after Dawn.

"What is it?" May asked, once they had gotten away from the main group.

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