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Drew was walking with Roselia beside him through a small forest outside of Slateport City. He had just left town and he was still deciding which town he would travel to next for a contest. He was still internally bitter about Robert being at that contest. It was so frustrating. All Robert had to do for a perfect score was just let out his Milotic and tell it to open its tail fan. Meanwhile, Drew and everybody else in the world had to work hard to think of an appeal routine for their Pokemon.

Not to mention that his Milotic was freakishly strong. He knew it wasn't fair to feel that way, Robert clearly had spent a lot of time raising his Milotic, especially because it had to evolve from a Feebas. It was just super annoying that the guy barely had to do anything to win any contest that he wanted. He pushed his thoughts of Robert out of his head and tried to focus on something else. Somehow, his mind wandered to May.

For some reason, he was very curious about her. He wasn't sure what it was that lured him to her, but when he first saw her on the beach, her cheesy act was just so adorable, as in the way of a child. She definitely had a lot to learn, but it was obvious she had spent a lot of time working with her Beautifly, even if she was a rookie. He saw a little bit of himself in her from when he first started out. He had been so eager to find more about her that he challenged her to a battle.

Unfortunately to his great displeasure, just when things were getting good, their battle was interrupted by some stupid goons calling themselves Team Rocket. He had gotten his revenge with a solar beam though. After that, she had left to give the berries to the firework man.

Then at the contest, he wasn't sure what compelled him to watch her from the hall, maybe to scope out her abilities as a potential threat, but he wanted to see how she did. He also wasn't sure why he had given her a rose either. He had just met her! That could totally send the wrong idea to her or everyone else who was smart enough to know what a red rose means.

He chickened out last second, panicked when he saw her blush and said it was for Beautifly. That was real smooth. The ever so collected Drew stopped for a moment to the surprise of his Roselia. He suddenly felt his face heat up and he covered his face with his hands in embarrassment. What was wrong with him?

He shook it off, but Roselia was still looking up at him worriedly. He tried to ignore as they continued walking until they found a pond. He sat for a moment, trying to organize his thoughts, regretting all the embarrassing things he had ever done in his whole life. Suddenly, a Pokemon cry caught his attention. It was a Surskit. It was sliding along the surface of the water contently, chiming happily.

"Hey there Surskit," Drew said. The Surskit looked up in shock as if it hadn't noticed him. Suddenly, he couldn't help but think of May's Beautifly, maybe a Masquerain would... what was he going to think? Maybe a Masquerain would what? Enamor May's Beautifly so he could have a reason to see her more often? Sorry May, my Masquerain just really wanted to see your Beautifly.

No, that was stupid. Then again, what if Masquerain falls in love with her Beautifly but it doesn't feel the same? That would be worse. But, Masquerain could prove to be a good appeal Pokemon, and a Pokemon didn't have to be particularly strong to win a contest battle. He made up his mind.

Regardless of May, he had no idea why she would even be a factor in him catching a Pokemon, he decided that catching the Surskit would be a smart choice. He observed Surskit for a little longer. The way it moved, seemed like it was dancing. If this Surskit wasn't born to perform then he wasn't a coordinator.

"Roselia! Petal dance!"


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