One Thing

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WHAT!? AGAIN!? Yes people; I have another one shot for youuuuuuuuu! You're welcome. Though I don't know why you bother to read it. Oh well! Plus thanks you guys for 3k reads! OMG. *dies* I love you so muuuuuccchhhh!!!


May's face was puffed up, and flushed in anger. Drew smirked proudly. He knew, he was the only one who could pull that face out of sweet, happy May.

"You arrogant, palm tree, cabbage head!" May snapped, her sapphire eyes sporting a burning blue fire. In the midst of their bickering, their foreheads ended up being pressed together. Drew couldn't take it anymore. He threw his head back in laughed. Within a couple seconds, May's musical laughter joined his. She had a bright smile on her face. Drew admitted to himself, the only thing he liked better than her angry puffed up face, was her smile.



That was CHEESY! Get it! Because when you take a picture, to make you smile, people say cheese? *readers throw garbage at me* >~< Gah! I'm sorry! Okay okay! I'm leaving!


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