The Contestshippers

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As time passed by, and the coordinators May and Drew continued to gain popularity, their fan bases developed. Drew's more than May's. As time progressed, there was a sudden difference in some of Drew's fans. They had split into two different groups.

There were the fan girls who were obsessed with him, and then there was the Contestshippers. The Contestshippers were those who "shipped" May and Drew together, believing they would make a great couple.

It was their last ribbon. May and Drew had won the Cherrygrove Ribbon, making them eligible to compete in the Grand Festival. However, there was one key difference from Hoenn and Kanto contests, in the Jhoto region they had partner contests in which Drew and May had been competing in together.

So far, their journey had been very enlightening for them. They had to learn to work together on their appeals, and make things work for two. It had been difficult starting out, and they had lost their first two contests, but they had just squeezed by a win at the end.

The two walked back stage together after earning their pastel pink ribbon. People congratulated them on their win as they walked past. The backstage room was still buzzing with sad Coordinators who wouldn't be able to compete in the Grand Festival. Suddenly, as they were walking, out of nowhere, Drew pulled out a red rose. May took it with a knowing look on her face.

"For your Beautifly. It did get half the win," Drew said smugly. May took the rose.

"I'll be sure she gets it, and I'll tell Masquerain ALL about it," May said mischievously.

"You would, but then what if he refuses to battle and we lose the Grand Festival because of it, then who's fault is it?" Drew asked, trying to prove a point.

"You, dummy, because it would have never become an issue if you never gave Beautifly a rose," she said matter of factly before sticking her tongue out mockingly at him. Drew couldn't come up with a retort for that one so he just sufficed with a flick of his green locks.


The time rung as the final match was over. They had done it. They won the Jhoto Grand Festival. In a split second decision, Drew pick May up by the waist and spun her around. He then pulled her down to him and captured her lips. Drew's screaming fans all went silent. There was a cacophony of sobbing girls who realized what had happen, mixed with the happy screeches of fangirling Contestshippers.

That day was a special day for the contestshippers, it just so happened that date was July 10th.



What the actual heck was this, I hate it so much. I'm so sorry, I promise I have a better one shot in the works, please excuse me for my lack of capabilities here. I had so much potential and I just screwed it up. I'm sorry guys.


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