Drew's Secret

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May and Drew sat backstage after winning their second pair ribbon. As usual, when they had won, Drew's fangirls in the crowd went crazy, but he seemed completely unaffected by them. May had thought over it many times and decided that she had enough evidence to support her theory.

"Drew? Are you gay?" May asked. Drew did a spit take on the water he had just taken a drink out of.

"E-Excuse me?" He choked out, but till sounded offended.

"Well, you never seem to acknowledge your fangirls, even though they crowd around you all the time. You never seem to take interest in any of them at all," May said, as if her explanation was self explanatory. Drew rolled his eyes.

"Just because I don't take interests on the girls that chase me down, doesn't mean I'm gay," Drew sighed. May ignored him.

"You know, I could totally see you and Harley together!" May said, as if it was actually plausible. Drew almost hurled.

"Me and that freak, excuse me May, I don't think so, besides, I assure you, I am definitely straight."

"Mhmmm," May hummed suspiciously.

"Has the thought ever occurred to you the reason I don't pay attention to other girls is because I already have feelings for someone?" Drew asked. May blinked. As it set in, she then gasped.

"You like a girl!? Please tell me who it is!" May said, very excited. Drew smirked before leaning in very close to her face. She tried to move back, but her head hit the wall. His emerald green eyes stared into her blue eyes, suddenly making her stomach drop. She tried to search for words but her throat dried, and her thoughts were a scrambled mess.

"W-What are you..?" Her breath hitched, as he lifted a hand to brush her chestnut hair out of her face. His eyes locked on her lips.

"Did it ever occur to you why I decided to be partners with you?" He asked quietly, an eyebrow raised.

"No," May squeaked, as his smooth yet slightly calloused hands cupped her cheeks.

"You're so naive," He chuckled as he leaned in. May's face reddened before his lips tentatively met her own. He gently sucked her lips before pulling away slowly, breaking connection.

"I still don't b-believe you," May said, stubbornly.

"I see, guess I'll have to convince you more," he smirked as he leaned again.

"W-Wait!" But it was too late. May's eyes fluttered closed as did Drew's. The kiss started the same as before, but things changed quickly. Drew lips began to press harder on hers than last time, and there was more passion behind it. The kiss was long enough to where May snapped back to her senses and began to kiss him just as much back. The kiss got more heated before Drew finally pulled away, as May unconsciously leaned towards him until they're lips broke contact.

May's hands flew to her face, trying to cover her huge blush.

"Do you believe me now?" Drew asked. May peeked through her fingers at him.

"U-Um I think I need some more convincing," May said shyly, moving into kiss him again, but he stopped her.

"Later, don't forget where we are," Drew said.

"O-Okay. So anyways Drew, who's this girl you like?" May asked, as she packed up her stuff.

"Oh my gosh," Drew said, exasperated.



Writing kiss scenes are always weird and embarrassing for me! I don't know why. It's so weird. I don't really know how to describe it seeing as I- never mind. Anyways, I hope this one shot is satisfactory...


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