Sailor May!

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I hope you guys are happy. You made me feel bad holding a one shot back because I actually had more time to write another thing so I would be more on top of things, but you got me this time. Anyways, this is a Sailor Moon alternate universe with pokemon characters so I hope you enjoy it and that it's not too confusing if you've never seen Sailor Moon.


"Oh no! I'm sooooo late!!!" May screamed as she woke up to her screeching alarm clock. She had repeatedly snoozed it, but now she had 10 minutes until school started! There was no way she was going to make it now. She threw on her clothes quickly and brushed her teeth with her left hand while shoving her bandana on her head with her right.

She grabbed her bag from her room and skipped some steps going down the stairs, but she slipped on the last step and fell on her butt. She let out a cry in pain before getting up and grabbing her lunch her mom had oh so kindly packed for her. She salvaged an apple from the fridge and raced to the door to slip on her shoes before throwing open the door and racing to school.

She stumbled several times on her way but she hadn't fallen yet. Then, as if fate decided to hate her even more, she crashed right into the chest of the arrogant and stuck up Drew Hayden. They had an awful relationship, filled with pointless bickering and making fun of each other. Everybody else didn't understand how they didn't get along. Their friends were even dating each other but for some reason despite what everybody else hoped, May and Drew were like a match and kerosene. They exploded around each other.

"Ugh, stupid Bandana Brain, I was hoping not to get a bruise from you today, but it seems you just can't help ruining my day," Drew sighed as he stood up and dusted himself off.

"Stop calling me Bandana Brain, you arrogant, stuck up, jerk!" May spat.

"Well maybe if you didn't wear a bandana, you wouldn't be a Bandana Brain," Drew shrugged.

"Maybe if you had some human decency, you wouldn't be a jerk!" May glared at him. Suddenly, May heard the bell ringing, indicating that school started.

"Great! Now I'm late because of you!" May accused him.

"You're not a very responsible senior, you have to graduate this year you know," he teased.

"Oh yeah? Well, even if you're in college oh smart one, you still pick on a high school girl! Even if you're only a freshman," May said before moving past him to head to school. She stuck her tongue out at him and he laughed.

May was still fuming by the time she got to class. Then she got a tardy from Miss Roxanne. Her dad was not going to be happy to hear about her being late again either, even if it was homeroom. She was so ready to graduate and not have her dad as one of her teachers. Suddenly, she felt a gentle tap on her arm. It was Dawn Berlitz, one of her best friends.

"What's got you all angry?" She whispered to her, concerned.

"Ugh, that stupid jerk again! I ran into him on the way here. He made me late!" May said, her face burning red in anger. Dawn giggled softly.

"Thanks for the support, just laugh at your friend," May rolled her eyes.

"I just don't understand why you and Drew don't get along! If you two tried, you could have such a meaningful friendship with each other," Dawn said. May made a gagging sound at the suggestion.

"No way, no way that would ever happen," May said.

"You never know," Dawn shrugged.

After first period, May and Dawn met Iris in the hallway. May told her what happened that morning with Drew.

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