Just Like You!

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I got this idea by choosing Rowlet when I was playing Pokemon Moon the day I'm writing this, (8-2-17) and I remembered how Rowlet's evolution, Dartrix flicked his hair and stuff so that's when I got this idea. I hope you enjoy!


May stood with Drew by the docks in Slateport City. Ash was coming to visit because his mom would be here and she insisted he took a break from Alola to visit her. May ran into her since she and Drew were traveling together and were in town. May decided she wanted to say hi to him, so there they were.

"You know, you didn't have to wait with me. I know you and Ash aren't the greatest of friends, I don't really know why though," May said, turning towards Drew.

"No problem, besides, it would be rude to just leave you out here alone. You may think I'm rude and arrogant, but I have standards," Drew said. "Also, why we don't get along, it's mainly my fault, and it's complicated, I don't think Ash knows but, I was stupid back then," Drew sighed. Suddenly, a loud horn blew, and a boat was seen in the distance.

"There's the boat!" May exclaimed. Drew just nodded his head. The stood there together, watching the boat get closer and closer, and May getting more excited. Drew felt a pang of jealousy but ignored it. Soon, people started exiting the boat, and down ran pikachu, jumping onto May's shoulder.

"Pika!" He squealed.

"Hey Pikachu!" May giggled. Then down came Ash, who tripped and fell down the ramp onto the dock. Both May and Drew laughed. Ash brought himself to his feet and noticed Drew and May.

"Hey May! Didn't expect to see you! Drew? Why are you here?" Ash asked.

"I came here with May, we are traveling with each other. Hoenn's doing pair contests this year so w teamed up," Drew explained.

"Yeah! So far, we haven't lost once! We have all our ribbons too!" May exclaimed.

"That's awesome!" Ash congratulated.

"What new Pokemon did you catch?" May asked.

"A few! I don't have a full team yet though, Everybody out!" Ash exclaimed. Two other Pokemon joined Pikachu, a wood pecker like bird, and an owl.

"This is my pikipek and my Dartrix!" Ash said.

"Drew! The Dartrix just flipped it bangs thingy! It look just like you!" May giggled.

"As if! In any case, you look like a stunfisk," Drew replied back. May started fuming.

"What did you say you tree topped jerk!"May growled.

"You'd know if you listened, Airhead," Drew responded.


"Bandana Brain!"


"Dog Ears!"

"Cabbage Head!"

"Migit!" Little did May and Drew know that in the midst of their fighting, they moved closer to each other, and before they knew it, their lips were on each other. Ash stood their red in the face, then fell over. He was NOT expecting THAT. Pikachu laughed at Ash. That's when May and Drew broke apart. That's when Ash started to get up.

"Aww man! Not again!" They both complained.

"Wait, that's happened before!?" Ash exclaimed.

"Yeah! This is the third time!" May whined. Ash fell over again, this time, out cold.



That's what happens when you expose Ash! Poor boy, didn't even know what was coming. Anyway! I hoped you guys liked this! I had fun making it! Defying Fate chapter 3 is at its very end! Keep your eyes open for it because it should be up soon! Love you guys!


-•*Word Count*•- (566)

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