New Years

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It was December 31st. Typically he didn't pay too much attention to holidays when he was traveling, however, it was New Years Eve and he wanted to at least treat the turn of the year with respect. That's how he found himself in Hearthome City for the New Years Eve Festival there. A big chunk of the city was closed off to anything except foot traffic, and the streets were lined with various booths and stations. They ranged from games and food to souvenirs and crafts.

The main event was of course a fireworks display at midnight to celebrate the coming of the new year. He had arrived in the city around 8:30 that night and he walked around observing the festivities that were already underway, just enjoying it privately on the inside. He wasn't sure how he was to spend the time until midnight and even just considered bailing to go to sleep in the Pokemon Center.

However, his plans changed as he did a double take at the brunette struggling with the ring toss. His heart began to pound in excitement. As he walked closer, he realized his first take had been right, it was May. She had an adorable slight pout on her face as she focused on the game. He was smiling at the sight of her before he even realized it.

They had been rivals for years, but at the same time, they had been really good friends for almost as long. Lately though, he had been thinking about her more often than he should and when he was around her, he got all nervous and excited. He watched as she threw her last ring which unfortunately missed. He just got to the booth when the man running the booth thanked her for playing.

"Have your eye on something?" He said as he leaned against the counter of the booth. She was startled by him and whipped around to see who had spoken to her. When she faced him, he smirked at her.

"Drew!" She said in surprise. "I didn't expect to see you here!" She said happily as she grinned at him. He felt his smirk soften into a genuine smile at her expression.

"Neither did I," he said as he turned around to face the booth. He observed the prizes that were available to win when his eyes stopped on a small plush Torchic keychain.

"I'm guessing you were after that?" He asked as he pointed at keychain.

"Yeah, but I'm no good at ring tossing," she sighed but laughed it off.

"I'll try," he said as he forked over the amount of money to play. The man gave him the 5 rings. The first ring that he threw almost didn't make it. It just barely caught before falling down on the peg. By some miracle, he managed to land all 5 of them.

"You can pick any prize you'd like," the man smiled at him.

"I'll take that keychain then," he said. The man nodded and handed one to him.

"Here," Drew said as he held it out to May. She had a look of wonder on her face as she tentatively took it from him.

"You won this for me?" She asked as she clipped it on to her backpack.

"Well yeah, you wanted it right?" He said, confused as to what her point was. So what? He won it for her. What's the big deal? They fell into step together as they walked away from the booth and continued down the street.

"Yeah, thank you," she said softly. She tilted her head towards the ground.

"You're welcome," he said. She still kept her head towards the ground.

"What?" He asked finally.

"Sorry, it's just, that was really sweet of you and I was kind of surprised," she said as she lifted her head to look at him. Her cheeks were slightly rosy, but he wasn't sure if that was just the cold or not. He averted his gaze from her face.

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