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Prepare for everything. That was what a smart traveler would do. However May was certainly not prepared. All she ever carried around was her fanny pack. While stylish (in her mind at least) it did not have a very large capacity. There was no way she could have fit a coat in there, no matter how much she forced it. So stupid, dumb her thought, 'who needs a coat anyway?'

She did. It was the beginning of December. While it was cold she was mostly fine. Until the sky decided to spit massive clumps of snowflakes making her wet and cold. The sky was beginning to dark into an inky black, and the snow spiraled around her, making it hard to see anything.

She was lost. She knew there was nowhere nearby she could go to. She was going to die. Out there, in the snow, without a coat, freezing to death. An untimely death for such a young girl of 16. Still she kept trying to trudge on, the quickly piling snow freezing her ankles.

She began waving, side to side, her chestnut hair swishing back in forth in its droopy dog ear fashion. Her eyelids were trying to cave in over her sapphire eyes, but she kept trying to stay awake through the cold biting at her numb skin, burning in contrast. Her nose and cheeks were red, irritated by the cold wind striking her face.

She kept walking aimlessly, until her vision began to blur in and out of focus. Suddenly, her sight went black, and she collapsed to the ground. The snow parted around her figure as fresh flakes began to cover her unconscious body.


Drew grumpily tugged the collar of his big fluffy coat. He shoved his mitten covered hands in his pockets, and forced his way through the snow with his snow boots. Out of nowhere, one of his Pokemon let himself out. It was absol. The white furred Pokemon pointed his nose and began to sniff. His nose twitched.

"Sol..." The Pokemon said in focus. Drew watched curiously as he felt the wind whipping his green hair into his face. Suddenly, absol's tail pointed straight.

"Absol!!" He cried. Disaster had struck. Absol began to take off, but slowed by the snow, Drew chased after him. After running for about five to ten minutes, absol stopped and started digging its claws into the snow. Immediately, Drew saw a figure in the snow.

He quickly kneeled down and frantically began to shovel the snow with his mitten covered hands. His heart skipped a beat and his breath hitched in his throat when he uncovered the face. May, that stupid girl. He began to dig faster with absol's aid.

He dug her up and took off his coat, putting it on her. He was furious to see she was not dressed appropriately for the situation. He picked her up and put her over his shoulder, pulling out his pokenav with the other. He got a signal and was able to locate the nearest Pokemon center, not too far away.

"Absol! Return!" Drew said, pointing a pokeball at absol which proceeded to suck him in with an orange beam. Drew moved around his pocket to find the pokeball he was looking for and threw it. The ball cracked open and a beam shot out taking the form of a green dragon.

"Come on Flygon! I need your help!


May was very comfortable. She sunk further into the warmth of the water. Not too hot, not too cold, but perfect. However, her comfort was short lived as her fingers, toes, nose and cheeks angrily burned.

Then, the events of before came back. Trudging through the cold snow and falling. The fear of looming death.

She opened her eyes and took in her surroundings. She was laying in a bath, fully clothed in a small bathroom with a toilet in front of her, facing the side and a long single vanity that was next to the toilet and ended at both walls. It was the sort of bathroom in the Pokemon center rooms.

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