Kiss and Run

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Kiss and Run

May had kissed him, after they got their fifth ribbon together in the pair contests in Jhoto. She was avoiding him, hiding. He was sure that he could track her down in the small town of Newbark. He ran through the town. checking every alley, but she never came in sight, until he saw her sitting on a bench in the center of town, head down. He slowed his jog to a walk.

"May," He said softly. She stiffened and slowly shifted her gaze towards him.

"D-Drew," May stuttered.

"May," Drew said again. She was very pale and quivering at his presence. She shot up quickly tried to slip passed him. Drew had had enough, he instantly captured her small frame in his arms. She struggled against him, trying to wriggle out of his grasp. He only pulled her against his chest tighter.

"Drew! Let me go!" She exclaimed.

"Stop running from me!" He responded. Her body went limp as she gave up.

"I'm such an idiot," She said, tears beginning to leak onto her cheeks. She lifted a small hand to wipe one away.

"May," Drew sighed.

"I don't want to here it Drew! I can't take your rejection, okay!" May sobbed, hiding her eyes into her arms.

"Who said I was going to reject you? The only one who thinks that is you," Drew smiled encouraging at her as she lifted up her face from their hidden position. Her sapphire orbs bore into him, holding his gaze.

"What do you mean?" She whispered.

"Ahh May, so naive, looks like I'll have to spell it out for you," Drew shrugged as May lightly punched him in the bicep playfully. She laughed lightly.

"May, I don't know how deep my feelings for you go, but I know they are real, and I care about you. Honestly, if you hadn't kissed me, I truly think I would have. I've felt this way about you, ever since the third rose. At least, that was when I was sure of it. I don't know if I could live without you anymore, after everything we've been through traveling together here, I know this may seem corny coming from me, but, would you be my girlfriend?" Drew said truthfully, he brushed a stray strand of hair behind her ears and leaned his forehead against hers.

"Drew, I," May choked up. "I like you too, I want to be with you. I want to be your girlfriend. No, you weren't corny, you said all the right things," May said. Closing her eyes she wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him. Unconsciously, their lips found each other again. The two shared their first kiss as a couple.

The next day, as they walked hand and hand into Cherrygrove City, they saw news stands stocked high with the newest installment of Coordinator's Weekly. The cover page? A picture of their first kiss, titled, "The Coordinating World's New Power Couple!?" May received a phone call from home at the nearest Pokémon Center.



Would you look at that, 4 posts in one day! Are you guys proud of me? XD Needless to say I got this out. I don't know when the next one shot will come into existence, sometimes I get random inspiration. Guys, I know I've said it before, but feel free to suggest any plots! That would be great! Anyways I love you guys!


P.S. Yeah, I did change my profile pictures. My profile profile picture is Kunzite and Minako. Then my background profile picture is Zoisite hand Ami an umbrella! I'd love it if you guys would check out my story Reunification, yes it's Sailor Moon, something different. I really like it, and I've been feeling scared to post it. I had built my profile on Pokémon, and now, I feel bad when I publish stories that are different and no one reads them.

It makes me feel obligated to only write Pokémon because I know that's what people like. However, I love the story too much, and I'm proud of all the effort I put into that first chapter. If I don't broaden my horizon, I'll never improve. Sorry, I'm just rambling now. Thanks for reading this hot mess!

Words: 696

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