Doki Doki

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Hey guys! Sorry about the absence of one-shots but I've been working on a really long one, I might as well say what it is. It's an A to Z one shot, little short stories for each letter, I'm on K currently, but I feel like I had to get something out so here's a little drabble. Please let me know if you know what Doki Doki means XD.


He hated his life. Why her? Why was she the one who made him feel like this? She could make his heart go "doki doki," just by being near him. He didn't even need to see her, he knew when she was there. When she wasn't there however, he felt so empty inside. He mentally face palm. What was this girl doing to him.

Randomly his heart began to speed up. He immediately knew the said girl was in the area. He fought the heat rising to the back of his neck from spreading to his face. He heard a voice call him from behind him. He stiffened in his place.

"Hey Drew!" May waved skipping up to him. He swallowed the lump that had lodged itself in his throat.

"Hey June, what's up?" Drew managed to say.

"It's May! How many times do I have to tell you that to nail it into your peabrain!" May snapped.

"Whatever, what do you need?" He asked, still trying to hide his growing blush, and his heart speeding a mile a second.

"Geez, I just wanted to show you this cool place I found! It's a hill that overlooks the whole city!" May exclaimed, grabbing his hand and dragging him along. He almost choked but he kept it down.


. . .


The sun was starting to set as Drew and May say on the hill.

"It's beautiful," Drew said. Just like you, only he didn't say that.

"I know right? I could just sit here for hours!" May sighed dreamily a far off look in her eyes as she stared at the horizon. Drew resisted the urge to tentatively sweep the lock of hair that fell out of her bandana. His hand almost moved, but he stopped himself. Warmth flooded his body when May leaned her head on his shoulder. He tensed up in surprise.

"Oh! Sorry! I didn't know what I was doing, I'll get-," She started to get up, but Drew snaked an arm around her and pulled her back. She squeaked in response.

"You're fine," He rested his head against hers, and kept his arm wrapped around her. If he wasn't looking at the sky, he would have seen the bright pink blush on her face.

"Drew? Um, do you mind if we just, stay like this for awhile?" May asked shyly Drew seeing the pink in her face.

"Sure," He said. Hiding the fact that he wanted to stay like this forever. May snuggled closer to him. A couple minutes later, May was softly snoring in Drew's arms. He smiled down at her gently though she never saw it, but that was fine by him.



UGH! That was so horrible! I wrote this in two days so please don't judge. T^T The Defying Fate chapter is so long and important! I'm like half way done with it, and there is already over 2k words! Anyway! Thanks for reading!


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