A to Z Contestshipping!

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I saw this and I knew I had to make one of my own. The challenge is for none of them to be connected. This will be so cute! (maybe, hopefully) Anyway on to the one-shot.


A- Arrogant

"Ugh! You're such an arrogant jerk! I hope you know that!" May pouted.

"It's just fun to see you get all riled up! It's cute!" Drew genuinely smiled. May's eyes widened.

"That's almost the nicest thing you've ever- wait a second," May narrowed her eyes at Drew. A smirk tugged his lips.

"Found me out already?" He said coyly.

"Flattery can only take you so far, even less if it's fake," May scowled. Drew sighed.

"Who said I was faking it June?" He questioned slyly.

"You little!"


B- Blonde-Brunette

Drew sat at a cafe table, chewing on the straw to his strawberry milkshake aggressively. Solidad sat across from him, casually sipping her chocolate one.

"Ugh, how could I have fallen for a stupid Blonde-Brunette! She's such a spaz, but, I find that so adorable about her somehow!" Drew growled through gritted teeth, snapping a piece of plastic off of the straw before sipping aggressively.

"I'll just say I never expected you to be into the dumb blonde type," Solidad shrugged.

"She's not a dumb blonde! She's a brunette who acts like a blonde, that doesn't automatically make her dumb too!" Drew said harshly.

"Am I hitting a nerve too hard Drewy?" Solidad teased.

"Shut up," Drew mumbled, sipping his milkshake, his cheeks as pink as the strawberries.


C- Cared

Drew was walking in the forest when he heard a loud cry of frustration. He moved toward the sound. He pushed back brush and found his way into a clearing. He saw his rival May on her bottom, her legs apart. She had tears in her eyes.

"Stupid thing! I should have brought my first aid with me!" She whined. That's when Drew noticed her legs. They were all scraped up and bleeding heavily. He felt his heart tug.

"Hey May, what are you doing?" Drew asked, stepping into the clearing.

"I'm taking a casual stroll- What does it look like I'm doing!" May said sarcastically.

"It looks like you need some help, lucky for you, I always have a small first aid kit on me," Drew said smugly.

"Stop gloating and help me already!" May scowled. Drew suppressed a chuckle before kneeling on the ground next to May. He seeming pulled out exactly what May needed, magically. He cleaned up her wounds and put band aids on the cuts.

"Thanks Drew, I can take it from here," May said, before standing up, only to fall back. Drew caught her at the last second before stabilizing her.

"How did you manage to do this?" Drew asked.

"it's a long story," May laughed awkwardly.

"We got time, it will be a slow trip to the nearest Pokemon Center," Drew said.

"Wait what?" May asked.

"I'm not just leaving you here," Drew said.

"Aww didn't know you cared about me that much!" May giggled.

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