First Kiss

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He was always a constant in her life. Their parents were good friends so the two grew up together. He was her best friend for a long time but middle school rolled around, he changed. Being a genuine sweet guy was not cool, so he adopted a cold exterior. No matter how hard May tried to chip away at his icy wall, he closed himself off from her even more. She lost her best friend.

After five long years of torture, something started to melt his wintery façade. He started to talk to her again and they fell right back into their dynamic like nothing ever changed. Only somehow, things were different. There was a lot of tension when they were together. For some reason, they started to find subtle ways to try and make physical contact with each other.

It became so noticeable, people started to understand that there was the start of something blooming between them. Their chemistry was so powerful that even Ash was able to understand that something was going on between the two of them.

One day, Drew grabbed her hand. Suddenly, their feelings spiraled out of control. Every time they were around each other they were always touching each other, and in their own world, even breaking off of the conversation and just talking to each other. It wasn't a surprise to anyone when they finally caved in and confessed to each other.

Now they were here. They were cuddled up next to each other, watching a movie in Drew's basement. The movie was turned down low as they talked to each other about little things, just enjoying each other's company. There was a moment of comfortable silence.

"Hey, I love you," Drew said sweetly. May was not expecting that, her face turned bright red.

"D-Drew.." She said.

"Ever since we were younger. I didn't know how to deal with it in middle school and into my first years of high school. So I closed myself off, thinking the feelings would go away, but as I saw you from afar, talking to all these other guys, the jealousy ate me up inside until I couldn't stand it anymore," he confessed.

"Drew.. I.. I love you too," May said quietly. He pulled her even closer to him.

"Can I.. kiss you?" He asked. She nodded. He gently cupped her face in his hands. Their eyes met. Intense green clashed with a curious sea of blue. Despite his calm expression, she could just barely feel his hands shaking against her cheeks. He leaned in as their eyes closed.

Their lips met. It was not like the books say. No fireworks. Instead, she could feel the raw emotion and intensity of the moment. He was trusting her with his feelings, laying it all in front of her. It was sweet and chaste. She wasn't burning for more, he wasn't wishing for anymore. They were both content in the small moment, just being with each other.



I hope this was a sweet story, I have a lot of more funny interactions, and I wanted to have a sweet and raw serious moment, I hope you liked it!


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