Love Bug

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I was listening to Love a bug by the Jones Brothers and it inspired me to write this drabble because I just love the song so much >~<.

Edit 11-23-17: Thank you guys so much for 1k reads! Honestly, I love you guys so much! <3 this really means a lot. I haven't had 1k reads on a story since Not An Ordinary High School Story. Please tell me if you remember that, and how bad it was, because it was freaking trash, no on to the one shot!


Drew opened his eyes. It was just a dream. Wait, why would he have a dream about he and May dating!? Why would he dream that he kissed her. He could feel his face heating up. Surely he was sick, he couldn't like May like that, could he? Solidad! Solidad would know! He grabbed his pokenav plus and opened pss. He tapped Solidad's icon picture. The keyboard appeared at the bottom of the screen. He shot Solidad a message telling her to meet him at coffee shop across the street from the Pokemon center in an hour. He decided to head over there anyway.


"Are you just going to stir that or actually drink it?" Solidad asked, startling him. He blushed, he had been so caught up by daydreaming about May. The hour had past quickly.

"Thinking about a special someone?" Solidad raised her eyebrows. Drew hid his face on the table just as the chorus of "Love Bug" by the Jonas Brothers was playing in the cafe.

"Looks like someone caught the Love Bug!" Solidad giggled.

"Solidad!" Drew groaned.



I finished this in one morning! I love it so much! I hope you guys liked it too! I'm working on the twelve days of Contestshipping and have one one shot done, I'm not posting them until they are all done, so Defyin Fate will be on hold for a little bit. Until next time!

-•*Words*•- (225)

(With Edit; 331)

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