Ice Cream

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May was skipping alongside her boyfriend of 2 years, the arrogant Drew Hayden. One hand was enveloped in his, while the other was wrapped tightly around a small cone of vanilla ice cream she was enjoying. Suddenly, as she hopped up, her ice cream slipped off the cone. In a comical matter, she moved all over the place trying to catch it back on the cone, but it landed with a depressing splat on the asphalt. May's eyes began to water as she looked at the melted ice cream. Drew just sighed next to her.

"I told you earlier this was going to happen if you kept messing around," Drew said sternly. May looked at him, with such a pitiful expression. Her sapphire eyes were wide and streaming with tears and her mouth was opened in an oval shape, quivering.

"M-My ice cream," May whimpered. Drew sighed yet again, before shoving his own cone of chocolate into her hands.

"Drew?" May asked, taking the cone to prevent it from falling.

"Take it, it doesn't matter to me," Drew said, his face slightly tilted away from her, yet there was a very small blush right on his upper cheek and right below his eye. May began to smile as she cried more. 

"What's wrong now?" Drew questioned. 

"T-Thank you Drew!!!!" May exclaimed before starting to pig out on her new cone. Meanwhile, Drew was just content in getting to hold her hand.





*sigh* Do I have to do these? I always just roast myself in them, ugh, at least I'm down to only one....

Wow, that was stupid, I'm sorry guys, anyways, I hope that was satisfactory! Thanks for reading!


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