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Drew sat on the tan sofa of his apartment living room. He had just finished disposing of the last bag full of old junk he couldn't sell, and didn't need.

Today was the day for him, as he sat there with a key in his hand, waiting for his girlfriend of 5 years to arrive. May would come over, thinking they were just going to hang, but Drew had an ulterior motive. He was going to ask her to move in with him.

His knee bobbed up and down in anxiousness and anticipation. He was so nervous as he ran his hand through his green locks, only to have it fall back in the same spot. As if waking up from a trance, Drew snapped back into reality as he heard a knock on the door.

"I'm coming, May," Drew said as he stood up, put the key in his pocket, and let her in. May took in her surroundings.

"You cleaned up in here," she said, impressed.

"Yeah, I got rid of some stuff I didn't need, it feels a lot better in her doesn't it?" He said.

"Yeah, got that right!" She giggled.

"Ha ha," Drew said sarcastically.

"Well for Mr. Fancy Pants, you did have quite a lot of stuff. You hoarder," May teased.

"Not anymore," Drew said with a smirk on his face as he pushed her nose lightly.

"Humph," May said, turning her blushing face away from him. Drew chuckled before reaching down and holding her hands. She slowly turned back towards him. Her shimmering sapphire eyes, stared into his emerald pools. She smiled at him shyly, which caused Drew to press his forehead against hers.

Still holding her hands, he led her over to the couch. They sat down together, Drew's arm around May, as she leaned into his chest. They caught up with how their week was, and taking about random things. An hour had passed by without them even realizing it, and hour had gone by. After a moment of comfortable silence, Drew spoke up.

"Hey May?" He asked, retracting his arm from around her and stuffed it into his pocket.

"What's up?" She answered. Taking a deep breath he clenched his fist around the key.

"It gets kind of lonely around here sometimes," he said subtly.

"Well, get a roommate, Grasshead," May joked. That's when Drew pulled his hand out of his pocket, with the key in hand. May let out a barely audible gasp.

"Will you be my roommate?" He asked, a small smile on his face. May looked at him for a second before exploding into a fit of cute giggles. She reached her hand and tried to take the key from him, but he pulled it slightly out of her reach.

"Drew, that's not funny," May said, slightly annoyed.

"Well?" He said expectantly.

"Yes, I'll move in with you, now give me the key," she frowned. At that Drew stood up.

"Hey, what are you doing!" May said, standing up as well, and tried to snatch the key but Drew held it higher.

"You have to get it," Drew said mischievously, a cheshire grin on his smug face. May stretched and reached as far as she could, and stood on her tiptoes, but she still couldn't get the key. She made a final effort, on her tiptoes, her arm reaching up, a intent focused look on her face. She looked adorable to him. He smiled at her before pressing his lips against hers in a chaste kiss. She melted into it as he slipped the key into her hand. When the finally pulled apart May was the first to speak.

"Saturday, I'll be moved in by Saturday," she said.

It was a Thursday evening.


Sorry! It's been so long, but I haven't been inspired to write any new one shots. Please please! If you have any suggestions, please let me know!!! It would be much appreciated! Anyways until next time!


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