Can't Help Loving You

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"I was such a jerk!" I muttered to myself, frustrated at my own actions. I ran a hand threw my messy hair.  I messed up. I know I did. And, I've messed up in the past, but never as bad as this. She needed me, and I let her down, stomping all over her for what? To save my dignity? I squeezed my eyes shut as I hit my head against a tree, beating myself up.

-*A few moments prior*-

"Drew! Drew!" May gasped, stumbling up to me. I caught her before she hit the ground. She clasped onto my arms as if they were the last things holding her up over a cliff.

"I can't! I can't do it!" May cried, tears skiing down her face. Her beat red eyes were full of fear. 

"Can't do what?" I asked, wrapping my arms around her in an attempt to comfort her. 

"I can't do this, the fanboys, they found out where I live! This morning I woke up to a loud snapping of a tree branch outside of my window, and there was a fanboy watching me sleep! I don't feel safe in my own house anymore, I don't feel safe anywhere because where ever I am, they always seem to find me." Tears cascaded down her face as her words jumbled. She buried her face in my chest. My neck and ears started to get really hot. It spread to my face like a wild fire and it occurred to me that I was blushing. Hard. Only she could do this to me. With her cute chubby cheeks and gorgeous sapphire like eyes she always could make my heart run a marathon. 50 times. In a row. Wait what? I was so angry with myself for not protecting her and thinking of something like that, a comment came out of my mouth that I wish I could have jammed back in there.

"It's your fault for leaving the blinds open, and not being aware of your surroundings if people were following you or not, gosh May, your so naive," It sounded arrogant too. Shoot. I opened my mouth to apologize when she shoved me away from her with enough force to knock me to the ground, more tears cascading down her cheeks.

"Of course you would think something like that you stupid arrogant grasshead! I thought that I could trust you to help me, but apparently I couldn't have been more wrong. Why are you such a jerk to me?!" She ran off, tears falling after her. I cursed myself.

Now I'm here, living with her thinking I'm a jerk.

How am I supposed to fix this? It took me years to slowly gain her trust, to knock down the wall that incased her feelings. It seemed like she just rebuilt that wall in a matter of a few seconds. I kicked a tree. I was so disappointed in myself. 

I finally stood up and ran. Ran full speed with all of my might, hoping that that might take away some of the pain. I didn't know where I was going, and frankly, I didn't care. I needed to escape my feelings, and running seemed like the solution. I ran until I couldn't breathe and bent over heaving, gasping for air. I needed to collect myself and my feelings, and figure out my next move to fix this situation. A thought crossed my mind. 

If I was May, what would she do in this situation? And with that thought came an easy solution. I needed to find her and tell her how I feel. And I know exactly where May would go in a situation like this. A clearing in Petalburg Woods, her place that she went to to escape everything. I started running. May had brought me to her special place a few times before and we sat and talked there for hours. I smiled at that thought of just me and May, talking about everything and anything. My smile slowly faded as I arrived at the clearing and saw May sitting there curled up in a ball, all alone. 

"May!" I called out as I jogged up to her. She didn't move a muscle. I stood right infront of her and placed my hand on her shoulder. She flinched as I did this and snapped her head up. 

"How did you find me here?" She sniffled.

"You brought me to this place once. Remember?" I asked gently. She nodded, her eyes swirling with a mixture sadness and rage. There was a moment of silence as we looked at each other, trying to find the right words.

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