Chapter 7- Fight in the Mines

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"Mr.Frodo!" Sam exclaimed looking at Frodo's sword. He unsheathed it and it was glowing blue. Boromir rushed to pull me back and just as he did two arrows hit the door were I was standing. We slammed the doors shut "They have a Cave troll." Boromir said sarcastically "Oh joy!" I said back sarcastically and we shared a small smile before Ada rushed to help us.

"Get back stay close to Gandalf!" dad yelled at the hobbits before rushing to help us throwing spears and axes to us to bar the door.

I looked around the room noticing a platform and a pillar near it. I rushed to the pillar and started climbing. As I was climbing I heard Gimli growl "Arggg. Let  them come! There is still a dwarf in Moria that still draws breath!" I looked down and noticed he was standing on Balins grave causing me to let out a small laugh.

As I finally stood on the platform I pulled out my bow and notched a arrow. As the Orcs and Goblins started making holes in the doors me, Ada, and dad started shooting at them trying to keep them from entering. Dads eyes wandered around the room before landing on me and I flashed him a grin.

He rolled his eyes and shook his head before continuing shooting at the orcs and goblins. Suddenly the doors were smashed open and in came the orcs and goblins. Dad put his bow away and unsheathed his sword.

The hobbits and Gandalf entered the fight with battle cries. We were battling for a couple minutes and I looked around for the hobbits. There heights gave them advantages because they could easily stab the orcs and goblins in the stomach killing them. All they had to do was be careful of not getting killed themselves. 

I looked around and noticed Sam was cornered by the troll. Dad and Boromir tried pulling the troll back by the chain.  "Aragorn! Aragorn!" I heard Frodo shout a little while later as he was being held by the troll. Dad tried fought towards the troll and the troll dropped Frodo, but dad was knocked unconscious as he was slammed against the wall. Frodo ran to him trying to wake him.

The troll cornered Frodo yet again and the troll plunged a spear into Frodo. Everyone stopped shocked as this happened.

I suddenly remembered a story that Ada told me on one of my birthdays. How he had killed a troll using a longsword stabbing it in the head. I pulled out a longsword that Ada had given me for one of my birthdays. Could it be?

I looked around and before I knew what I was doing I jumped. I landed  on the troll and before I could think of anything I plunged my longsword in the trolls head. The troll stumbled and fell forward with me on it.

I landed on my stomach. Ignoring the pain in my stomach I got up and took out my longsword going to Frodo and my now awake dad. Dad rolled Frodo over and he was breathing. Frodo sat up breathing heavily "He's alive!" exclaimed Sam and Frodo said "It's alright I'm not hurt."  "That spear would've skewered a wild boar." dad said.

Frodo rolled his tunic up and underneath it was Mithril "Mirhril." Gimli gasped "You are full of surprises Master Baggins." "I think they'res more to this hobbit than meets the eye." Gandalf agreed.  

Everyone then stood up and we all followed Gandalf running out of the room. I noticed out of the corner of my eye goblins and orcs following us "Great." I muttered under my breath as we were now surrounded by the goblins and orcs.

Suddenly there was a growling noise. All of the orcs and goblins backed away and scattered back up the pillars. There was another growling noise and I thought back to all of the books I had read. "What is this new devilry?" Boromir asked. What could it be? I thought to myself.  

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