Book 3 Chapter 1- The Party

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I had changed into a pink dress and we were toasting those who had died in battle and everyone else left to go there separate ways. I went to follow Ada and Gimli who were going to have themselves a little drinking game

"No pauses , no spills." Eomer explained "And no regurgitation." Gimli added "So it's a drinking game?" Ada asked "Aye. Last one standing wins." Gimli answered. I watched with a smirk. I already knew who was going to win.

The men of Rohan began to talk loudly "What'll we drink to?" "Let's drink to victory!" "To Victory!"

I looked on intrigued "Here, here it's the dwarves that go swimming with little hair women. " Gimli said already drunk. Ada looks down at his fingers. "I feel something. A slight tingle in my fingers. I think it's affecting me." he said looking extremely worried

Gimli lets out a laugh "What did I say? He can't hold his liquor!" he said before his eyes cross and he passes out falling on the stone floor of the hall.

Ada looks at the dwarf smugly "Game over." is all he said

I rolled my eyes and caught eyes with Haldir. Gimli should've known better than to have a drinking game with the son of King Thranduil.

I heard Merry and Pippin singing and looked around to find them on a table.

'Oh you can search far and wide

You can drink the whole town dry

But you'll never find a beer so brown

As the one we drink in our hometown

You can keep your fancy ales

You can drink 'em by the flagon

But the only brew for the brave and true...'

Gandalf had caught Pippins eye and he stops singing. Merry looks over at his cousin. "Pippin!" Breaking out of his trance, the two finish their song.

'... But the only brew for the brave and true

Comes from the Green Dragon!'
The hobbits chug their drinks "Thank you! I win!" Pippin shouts. The two hobbits look at each other before raising their eyebrows at each other. They look around the room searching for something before there eyes land on me. They're faces both light up and they run off the table.

They ran over to me and dragged me to the table pulling me up. "Sing for us!" Pippin pleads "Please!" begged Merry and I went red in the face

They looked up at me with big puppy dog eyes and I sighed. "You two are both adorable. Fine!" I said giving in and they cheered. 

I thought to all of the songs that I knew until I found one that I loved and helped me get through my hardships.

After I had finished my song, I went outside feeling too hot in there. A while later as the celebration was dying away Ada and dad burst out of the room. Well dad burst out of the room with Ada who wrapped his legs around his torso.

They were kissing each other passionately and dad brushed his hands through Ada's hair. They leaned against a pillar kissing "Aragorn..." moaned Legolas. He opened his eyes and saw me standing there.

"Hope?" Ada asked and they broke apart. "Are you ok?" Ada asked as I continued staring out at the distance. He pulled me into his chest and kissed my temple before he frantically put a hand on my forehead

"You're burning up!" Ada exclaimed "I'm not sick. I think it's because...." I paused unsure whether or not to say what I had discovered "Because?" dad asked as he too felt my forehead.

".... Because I'm His daughter. I have his blood in my veins." I whispered. Dad and Ada nodded unsure of what to say.

We continued staring at the night sky. I felt a presence behind us and I looked to see Haldir joining us. "The stars are veiled. Something stirs in the East. A sleepless malice. The eye of the enemy is moving." Ada stated.

I felt a headache and a burning in my head. I felt a presence in my head. It was Pippins. I furrowed my eyebrows wondering how I could feel his presence before Ada turned to us "He is here!" Ada exclaimed and we all ran off.

We burst into the room and everyone wakes. Pippin writhes on the floor in pain, stuck to the palantir. Dad grabs the palantir and falls to his knees. Ada puts his hands on dad's shoulders and the orb drops from dads hands and to the floor. Gandalf throws a cloth over the palantir and it stops rolling.

"Fool of a Took!" Gandalf shouts and rushes to his side when he notices Pippin is lying on the floor not moving.

Gandalf places his hand on Pippins forehead and mutters a spill. Pippin inhales a deep breath shakily "Gandalf! Forgive me!" Pippin pleads and looks away

"Look at me. What did you see?" Gandalf asks harshly "A tree...there was a white tree in a courtyard of was dead. The city was burning." Pippin answers

"Minas Tirith. Is that what you saw?" Gandalf asked "I...I saw Him! I could hear his voice in my head!" Pippin exclaimed

"And what did you tell him? Speak!" Gandalf demands agitated "He asked me my name. I didn't answer. He hurt me." Pippin gasped

"What did you tell him of Frodo and the Ring?" Gandalf asked, but Pippin had fallen asleep. Suddenly they heard a whisper "Get out of my head. I'm not joining you." I whispered and suddenly felt a burning in my head.

I whimpered in pain and the pain suddenly left. I collapsed and Haldir caught me. The last thing I saw was Haldirs concerned face looking into mine. 

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