Chapter 3- After the Council

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"What were you thinking!" Dad yelled as soon as we reached my bedroom chambers. I looked down at my feet not bearing to look at my dad Luna growled at him sensing my discomfort making my dad back off. 

"I may be young," I whispered still staring at the ground "but, I was trained by you, Ada, and Haldir. " I continued on I saw dad open his mouth to say something, but I looked straight into his eyes and said " That makes me a strong warrior. You've seen me out there. Besides I'm part of the Fellowship and I can't back down now." I said my eyes hard.

Dad's eyes became softer after I said this and he pulled me into a hug "I know. I know." he whispered "I just don't want you to get hurt."  he said I nodded "I know and I love you." I whispered into his chest and then pulled Ada into the hug "I love you both." I whispered as a tear fell from my cheek and onto the floor.

After a while we pulled away "We'll let you pack." Ada said and I nodded and laughed as Ada pulled dad out of the room before I shut the door.  I smiled and grabbed my over the shoulder bag that I used whenever I went on a adventure.

I grabbed some things I thought I would need like some herbs and medicine just in case. I also went down to the kitchen where I grabbed some lembas bread. I may be half human and half elf, but I had the appetite of a elf. After I grabbed the lembas bread I went back to my room where I laid out my assertion of weapons.

I had my bow and arrows, my daggers that I kept in my knee high black boots,  I had arm braces,( help me i don't know what they're called.) my sword, some more daggers that i had hidden, and my black cloak.

I then turned to Luna "Are you sure you want to come?" I asked her she nuzzled my hand "I know, but it's going to be dangerous." I told her she looked up at me with pleading eyes "Great I'm starting to sound like dad." I whispered to myself and sighed "But you're going to give birth soon are you sure?" I asked her almost desperately the tears forming in my eyes as I knew her answer she barked and licked my face causing me to give her a sad smile.

"I guess I can't stop you huh girl?" I asked my grey wolf and she barked again. I laughed and climbed into bed it's been a exhausting day i thought to myself before falling asleep with Luna next to me

Legolas's POV

I went with Aragorn to our daughters room we knocked and when we didn't hear a answer we quietly went into the room where I saw our daughter asleep in her bed with Luna at the foot of her heels. 

Aragorn went over to Hope and pet Luna before kissing Hope's forehead and went out the door "I'll be there in a little while." I whispered to Aragorn and he nodded.

I went over to my daughters bed and pet Luna and kissed my daughter before pulling her blankets over her. "I love you my sweet daughter. You may be adopted, but I love you and I'll always love you no matter what." I whispered and kissed her forehead once again and quietly heading back out closing the door behind me. 

I headed to mine and Aragorns room and got into bed. He was already asleep. I kissed my lovers cheek and fell asleep. Little did the Fellowship know the quest would change them completely

Sorry I updated a day late also link at the bottom of her clothes and hairstyle

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