Book 2 Chapter 6- Warg Attack

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We were now walking again. Gimli kept his promise and I was glad about that. I was on a hill standing with Ada.

Two riders Hama and Gamling rode past us on their horses. Something was off today, I could feel it in my bones. "Somethings off. I don't know what, but there's something off." I told Ada and he nodded.

Before Ada could reply we heard Hama screaming. My head shot up and I started running with Ada behind me. 

In front of us was a warg and a rider. I pulled out my arrow and shot the warg at the same time Ada shot the orc. "A scout!" he shouted to dad.

I sprinted down to Eowyn and handed her spirit "Keep her safe!" I yelled at her before sprinting back to Ada who was on the hill shooting down the orcs and wargs. I pulled out an arrow and started joining him. 

As Shadow came closer I turned and jumped on her back unsheathing my sword. I saw a warg coming closer to Shadow trying to hurt him, but before it could I plunged my sword into the creatures chest killing it.

I saw Gimli fall off his horse. I pulled Shadow to a stop and got off him. "Go. Don't come back until I call you again." I said to him and he nickered before running off.

I brought myself into battle as I found myself standing in front of three wargs with riders on top. "Who wants to die first?" I asked. They didn't answer and I smiled a innocent smile at them "Alright then I'll decide for you." I said

I aimed my loaded bow at the warg in the middle before quickly notching another one at the one on the far left and sidestepped the last one unsheathing my sword at the same time killing it. I twirled my sword before I grabbed a throwing knife and threw it at the orc to the left and ran up to the orc in the middle engaging in a sword fight with it.

As I did so I grabbed the throwing knife from the dead orc and threw it square in the head of the last orc before beheading the orc I was battling in front of me. "You'll never learn." I mumbled to myself rolling my eyes.

At the last moment I turned around and spotted a warg running near me. I panicked and grabbed onto the orc's arm swinging myself on top of the warg.

We kept on headbutting each other before I threw the orc off. I tried getting off myself, but then I noticed that my hand was trapped in the warg's fur. I tried to grab one of my daggers, but I couldn't and when I looked up I was falling.... falling.


I watched as Gimli killed one last warg and I looked around me. I saw Legolas and Luna, but I didn't see Hope.

"Hope!" I called out, but there was no answer "Hope!"  I called out again as Legolas and Gimli walked toward me. I had a strange feeling and the three of us started to call Hope's name over and over again.

As we neared a cliff we heard chuckling and spotted a orc laughing. "Tell me what you know and I will ease your passing." Gimli growled as he brought his axe to the orc's neck.

"Shes...dead." the orc wheezed out "She took a little tumble off the cliff." he continued wheezing "You lie!" Legolas exclaimed grabbing the shoulders of the orc before he spotted something in the orc's hand. 

He picked up what was in the orcs hand and I saw that it was Hope's necklace that she always wore. The three of us rushed to the cliffs edge and looked down.

"The wolves of Isengard will return. Leave the dead." Theoden said and Legolas's head shot up to look at him. The king patted his shoulder.

Tears gathered in my eyes and Legolas put his hand around my torso trying to bring me comfort. As we entered Helm's Deep, Eowyn spotted me as I climbed off my horse.

She went over to me, but I interned her and Legolas and I walked off together and sat down in a room where we both let it out hugging each other for comfort. I rubbed his back and his sobbing finally calmed down. 


I was in a white light all around me and I looked around me. I spotted Boromir and I ran to him sobbing into his chest. "Shhh. Shh. It's ok. " he said rubbing my back. "I'm sorry. It was my fault you died. It should of been me." I sobbed

"Shh. It's ok. It wasn't your fault. Fate chose me. You still have your life." Boromir whispered. I finally calmed down and he smiled "There that's better. Now you're going to wake up soon. Remember that I love you ok. Have faith and don't lose hope." he instructed and I nodded and sniffled

"Remember to be brave. You'll get through this. You'll win if you keep your faith and believe. " Boromir said.

I could feel myself waking up, but I didn't want to leave "I love you. There's so much I want to tell you." I said and hugged Boromir once more.

I was suddenly pulled into reality. I slowly got up and groaned as I did. I looked around me and I heard a nicker. I looked behind me and I saw Shadow.

I smiled and got up holding my stomach as I did. I climbed on top of Shadow and we rode. We kept on riding until I heard a loud stomping noise. I urged Shadow forward and what I saw horrified me.

In front of me marching forward was tens of thousands Uruk Hai marching on. I gasped and pulled Shadow away and urged her on. On to Helm's Deep were there was for sure going to be a battle.

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Sorry the battle was so short. I'll try to make the upcoming battles more exciting and full of details.

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