Chapter 6- Mines of Moria

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When I set Merry and Pippin down I stumbled a bit before Ada studied me grabbing hold of my arm. He looked at me worriedly before going over to dad bringing me with him "Aragorn she's frozen. We should rest for the night." dad brought me closer to him and started rubbing my arm "Yes we shall rest. Especially for the hobbits." dad sat me down and Luna went to me laying down by me feet.

I felt a hand on my shoulder as I stared into the fire. My hand immdientaly went to my sword hilt and I looked up "Here's your wolf." Boromir said as he handed me Spirit I nodded in thanks "Thank you." I said to him and hugged Spirit close to me petting her back.

"How are you?" dad asked sitting next to me "I'm good dad." I told him putting my head on his shoulder yawning. 

Legolas Pov

I saw my husband and my adopted daughter. "Hey." I said softly sitting on the other side of Hope. "How is she?" I asked my lover "Back to normal." he answered while looking at our daughters sleeping face "She'll be ok Aragorn." I said to the future king of Gondor

Aragorn sighed "I know. Sometimes she can just be to loyal and doesn't think." I smiled at my husband "I know, but that's ok. We'll survive this all three of us." I said "Sleep now. I've got first watch." I whispered to my husband and lover.

As he lay next to our daughter and his breathing slowed I kissed my husbands forehead and my daughters.

Hopes Pov

We arrived at the entrance to the Mines of Moria the next evening I heard a splash and saw Frodo's foot fall in the water before dad steadied him "Dwarf doors are invisible when closed." Gimli said "Yes. Gimli not even their own masters can find them." Gandalf replied looking at a cluster of rocks "Why doesn't that surprise me." Ada muttered under his breath while Gimli glared at him. I hit him on the back of the head "Be nice." I said to him missing what Gandalf said next.

I looked up and saw the door to the Mines of Moria "It reads The Mines of Moria speak friend and enter." Gandalf said "What does it mean?" Merry asked I looked to Ada who I knew was hiding something.  I sighed and went over to Shadow, Luna, and Spirit.

"You guys can't come with me." I said to them "You have to leave me. I'll be alright." I said as Luna nudged my hand. I felt a tear on my cheek and Luna licked my face. I laughed softly and smiled. Luna picked up Spirit and started to follow Shadow out of the mine. She stopped and turned around "Go on. I'll be alright." I said to her my vision blurring as tears appeared in my eyes. With that she ran off.

I stared longingly after my three animal friends before I sighed and went back to Adas side where I hugged his waist. I tuned everything out until I noticed everyone starting to move inside and noticed that the doors were now open.

"Soon Master Elf you will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the Dwarves! Roaring fires, malt beer, red meat off the bone. This my friend, is the home of my cousin Balin. And they call it a mine. A mine!" Gimli exclaimed

I looked down as I heard a crunching sound from beneath my feet I was about to tell everyone that it wasn't a mine, but Boromir beat me to it "This is no mine, it's a tomb!" he exclaimed

"Oh!No! Noooo!" Gimli cried. Ada pulled out a arrow from a skeleton near him "Goblins" we said at the same time as he threw the arrow away. "We make for the gap of Rohan. We should never have come here." Boromir said. I turned around to look at the hobbits and cried out "Frodo!" causing everyone to look their way.

I ran out of the mines unsheathing my sword hoping to cut the tentacle holding Frodo. Ada pulled out his bow and arrows aiming for the mouth of the Watcher.  Boromir cut the tentacle and dad caught him.

I grabbed Merry and Pippin by the arms taking them with me into the mines and everyone followed me. A tentacle brought down rocks and suddenly we were all engulfed in darkness. Gandalf lit his staff saying "We now have, but one choice. We must face the long dark of Moria. Be on your guard. There are older and fouler things than orcs in the deep places of the world." he started to walk on "Quietly now. It's a four day journey to the other side. Let us hope that our presence may go unnoticed."


We had been walking for a while and were now climbing stairs "Pippin!" Merry scolded as he almost fell. When we reached the top of the stairs we were faced with three hallways. I tuned everything out as usual until everyone started to sit down around a fire.  "Are we lost?" i heard Pippin ask Merry "No." Merry answered "Merry." Pippin said again "What?" Merry asked "I'm hungry."

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Ada "You know you've really got to stop tuning everyone out." Ada said and I rolled my eyes, but smiled nonetheless "It helps me focus." I simply stated and Ada raised his eyebrows "You sure?" and I nodded "I miss them." I said putting my head on his shoulder and staring at the fire "They'll be ok." dad said sitting on the other side of me I nodded and dad started to play with my fingers.

Before long we heard Gandalf say "Ah. It's that way." "He's remembered!" Merry cheered "No the air doesn't smell as foul down here. When in doubt Meriodic always use your nose." Gandalf said wisely.

We came out of the tunnel and into a big, vast place. "Dwarodalf.  " Gandalf said as we all stared at the vast hall. "Now there's a eye opener and no mistake." Sam said while I only nodded in agreement. I was pulled out of my trance when I heard Gimli shout and run toward a glowing room "Gimli!" Gandalf called as we all ran after him. We entered a room with a tombstone (Is that what's its called?)

"Here lies Balin, son of Fundin, Lord of Moria. He is dead then. It's as I feared." Gandalf said "We must move on we cannot linger." Ada said to dad Gandalf grabbed a book from a skeleton (Fun fact: Thats Ori) passing his hat and staff to Pippin "They have taken the bridge and the second hall. We have barred the gates, but cannot hold them for long. The ground shakes. Drums drums in the deep. We cannot get out. A shadow moves in the dark. We cannot get out. They are coming." Gandalf finished reading and I shivered and stepped closer to the door.

I looked around the room and noticed Pippin touching the hand of the skeleton. Before I could cry out for Pippin to stop a clanging sound filled the room as the skeleton fell down the well it was sitting down. I noticed Pippin wince at every little sound. I held my breath in until the sound disappeared and everyone visibly relaxed. Gandalf slammed the book shut "Fool of a Took! Throw yourself in next time and rid us of your stupidity!" Gandalf practically screamed at him

When he was done scolding Pippin Gandalf stopped breathing heavily before we started to hear drums. Drums...   

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