Chapter 9- Lothlorien

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I clutched my stomach as we ran and as we made our way into the safety of Lothlorien we slowed down. As we started walking instead of running I took my hand off my stomach and looked around the familiar place I grew up in.

"Stay close young hobbits. They say a sorceress lives in these woods. An elf witch of terrible power. " Gimli said and looked around "All who look upon her, fall under her spell, and are never seen again." Gimli finished saying and Hope rolled her eyes.

"Well here's one dwarf she won't ensnare so easily. I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox. " Gimli said proudly before almost walking into a arrow. The hobbits looked scared and shocked, Gimli didn't move, Aragorn put his hands up, and Legolas drew his bow pointing it at the elf in front of him.

Hope meanwhile was trying to hide a smile. A voice that came from behind the Fellowship said "The dwarf breathes so loud we could've shot him in the dark." that made Gimli so angry he growled at him. Meanwhile I rushed to hug the person as I usually did "Haldir!" I exclaimed and jumped into his arms wrapping my arms around his torso.

He smiled and ruffled my hair. "Aragorn these woods are perilous we should go back." Gimli said "You have entered the realm of the Lady of the Wood. You cannot go back." Haldir said to him

Dad and my godfather Haldir talked until dad finally convinced us to let us enter Lothlorien to see Lady Galadriel. As we climbed the stairs the pain in my stomach came again and I hissed in pain and clutched my stomach once again.

Ada came up next to me and asked "Are you ok?" and I nodded and gave him a smile. He raised a eyebrow and I sighed and said "I may have dislocated a rib. " I told him and he nodded "Probably from tumbling off the troll." I added and he smiled and put his hand on my back helping me up the stairs.

When we got to the platform we waited as we saw Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn walk down the stairs. Celeborn finally addressed the Fellowship "The enemy knows you have entered here. Whatever hope you had of secrecy is now gone. Ten there are here yet eleven set out from Rivendell. Tell me where is Gandalf for I much desire to speak with him. I cannot see him from afar."

Galadriel looked into dad's sorrow filled eyes. "Gandalf the grey did not pass the borders of this land. He has fallen into shadow." Galadriel said and Celeborn looked at her in shock. I looked down at the ground as tears formed in my eyes. Ada spoke up when no one said anything "He was taken by both shadow and flame. A Balrog of Morgoth. For we went needlessly into the net of Moria." Celeborn looked to the ground as he received the news of his fallen friend.

"Needless were none of the deeds of Gandalf's life. We do not yet know the full purpose." Galadriels eyes suddenly went to Gimli "Do not let the great emptiness of Khazad Dum fill your heart Gimli, son of Gloin. For the world has grown peril and in all lands, love is now mingled in grief."

"What now becomes of the Fellowship?" Celeborn asked. "Without Gandalf most of your hope is lost." he said looking at dad. "The quest stands upon the edge of a knife stray, but a little and it will fall to the ruin of all." Galadriel said once again. Her eyes landed on Sam "Yet hope remains while the company is true. Go now, bathe, eat, and rest for you are weary with sorrow and much toil. Tonight you will sleep in peace and prepare for the long journey ahead of you." Galadriel said and dismissed them. 

Haldir led them underneath the cover of the trees and they rested there. Hope got up to take a bath and change. She came back at the same time as Ada. He was carrying a pitcher and looked up "A lament for Gandalf." he said and all around they heard the elves singing a lament for Gandalf. "What do they say about him?" Merry asked curiously "I have not the heart to tell you. For me the grief is still to near." Ada replied

"I bet they don't mention his fireworks." Sam said before standing up saying, "The finest rockets ever seen, they burst in stars of blue and green. " dad looked at Gimli who was sleeping with a frown as he snored and I being annoyed with his rudeness even if he wasn't doing it intentionally hit him to wake him up.  "For after thunder, silver showers came falling like a rain of flowers." Sam continued and then shook his head "Oh that doesn't do them justice."

"I thought it was lovely Sam." I said and smiled at him dad then walked over to me and hugged me and I flinched a little "You know you should go to the healers." he said and I looked up at him "Your Ada told me." he added and I huffed. Before I could protest he took me to the healers before going back down to the rest of the Fellowship.

"Oh you have a broken rib." the elven healer said to me before going to get some ointment. As she was getting the ointment my Godfather came to me. "Hey." he said and I smiled and jumped on him again wrapping my legs around his waist "I've missed you." I whispered and buried my face in the crook of his neck.

As the healer came back he set me down and removed any emotions from his face. "You still haven't changed a bit." I said while chuckling and he gave me a fond smile "Nor have you." he replied as the healer put the ointment on my rib cage and gave me something to drink. "You're free to go." the healer said and Haldir picked me up carrying me.

As we neared the place where everyone else was he dropped me. I smiled up at him before walking behind Ada and hugging him. He looked down and smiled "All better?" he asked and I nodded. "You told Haldir?" I asked and he shook his head "Probably dad." I stated and he smiled. 

"Hope?" I heard a voice say quietly and I looked behind me to find Merry there "What is it?" I asked and smiled at him "Can... Can you maybe sing us a song to sleep? None of us can sleep." He said looking down "You....You want me to sing? I don't sing often." I said hesitantly "Oh go on. You know you can't hide your musical talent forever." dad said to me and I smiled shyly and sat down at a tree 

"What do you want me to sing you?" I asked Merry "Anything that can help us fall asleep please." Pippin piped in and I thought back to all the songs before I decided on which one to sing. (Play song here)

After I finished I looked around and saw that the Fellowship had fallen asleep. I smiled and laughed softly to myself before lying in between my dads who in their sleep both put their arms around me and I fell asleep in the safety of their arms.

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