Chapter 8- Fall of Gandalf

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I'm so sorry I had to leave off like that in the earlier chapter. The chapter got deleted somehow and my school changed our schedule to a full day on Monday periods 1-3 on Tuesdays and Thursday and periods 4-7 on Wednesdays and Fridays 

My mind flashed across one possible thing that it could be, but it couldn't be the dwarves had defeated all of them. Gandalfs voice interrupted my thoughts "A Balrog. A demon of the ancient world. This foe is beyond any of you. Run!" he shouted and we all followed him

I saw Ada pull Boromir back stopping him from falling to his death. Out of instinct I grabbed Merry and Pippin's arms and stopped them from running. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Gandalf talking to dad.

We turned and continued running down a different set of stairs until there was a small gap. Ada jumped first then gestured to Gandalf "Gandalf!" he said Gandalf looked back as the Balrog came closer. He then looked back to Ada and jumped. Ada easily caught him.

Arrows started flying in our direction, so me, dad, and Ada started firing back at the orcs and goblins. "Merry. Pippin." Boromir said before he grabbed both hobbits and jumped.  "Sam." dad said before tossing him over to the other side "Gimli." he said before going to grab him. Gimli put a hand up

"Nobody tosses a dwarf. " Gimli said before jumping across, but coming up short. Ada grabbed Gimli's beard "Not the beard!" Gimli exclaimed "Hope." dad said reaching for me "Dad..." I started, but was cut off as I was threw across the gap. I hissed in pain in my stomach as I was thrown. I closed my eyes and felt arms catch me. I wrapped my legs around the persons waist.

When I felt like I was safe I opened my eyes and saw that it wasn't Ada who caught me, but Boromir. I unwrapped my legs from Boromirs waist and he set me down blushing a light red.  I immediately checked on the hobbits making sure they were ok.

"Frodo!" dad exclaimed as the stairs that they were on broke even more.  Dad and Frodo climbed up towards the part of the platform that didn't break. Once they were both on their feet, Aragorn said to Frodo "Steady, hold on!" The Balrog came even closer causing the platform to move.

Aragorn seeing the look of horror and worry on his daughter's face sent a reassuring look her way, but that did nothing to calm her nerves. She was snapped back to reality when she heard her dad yell "Hang on!"

She saw Frodo and her dad lean backwards until Aragorn said to Frodo "Lean forward!" Once the stairs moved forward to where the others were she heard her father say "Steady." Once they were near Ada shouted "Come on!"  "Now!" Aragorn shouted as the stairs they were on crashed into each other. Ada caught Aragorn and Boromir caught Frodo. 

Then when they were both deemed safe the fellowship continued onward. Once they got to the bridge Gandalf stood to the side letting the others pass "Over the bridge!" Gandalf yelled and joined the fellowship in running "Fly!" he yelled yet again. 

When they were all safely across. Hope stopped and turned around the fellowship also doing so. She saw Gandalf right there in the middle of the bridge facing the Balrog.The Balrog was covered in flame and had a fiery whip in it's hand.  She tried to run back to Gandalf, but was stopped by Boromir.  He held her against his chest as she struggled. She heard Gandalf yell "You shall not pass!"  

The beast was standing at the start of the bridge. Gandalf stared down at the Balrog fearlessly. Somewhere from behind her she heard Frodo yell "Gandalf!" Gandalf didn't turn around. He stood his ground. The Balrog would sometimes flap it's shadowy wings. "I am the servant of the Secret Fire. Wielder of the Flame of Anor."

Gandalf raised his staff above his head and he yelled "The dark fire will not avail you, Flame of Udin!" as he said that the Balrog tried to attack Gandalf. As this happened Hope struggled out of Boromirs arms only to land in another pair of arms. She struggled as the beast let out a bellow "Go back to the shadow!" Gandalf said unfazed

He raised his staff and sword together and yelling "You shall not pass!" slamming it down on the bridge. The Balrog snorted and moved forward with it's fiery whip raised high ready to strike, but the bridge under him collapsed and it let out a bellow as it fell presumably to it's death.

Gandalf let out a breath and I relaxed into Adas arms, but just as Gandalf turned around and was about to join the rest of the fellowship the fiery whip appeared and wrapped around Gandalf's ankle pulling him to the ledge. Gandalf struggled to stay on the ledge and Frodo tried to get to Gandalf yelling "Gandalf!"

Boromir was quick to stop him yelling "No! No!" "Gandalf!" Frodo yelled again. Gandalf looked straight into Frodo's eyes as he said "Fly you fools!" and then his hands slipped and he fell out of everyone's sight.

At that moment Hopes world stopped. Gandalf who was like her Grandfather fell to his death. She let the person holding her carry her outside. The sun was blazing and it didn't feel right. Not with what had just happened.

She turned and cried in the persons chest tuning the world out. The person holding her rubbed her back. "Boromir, Legolas get them up." she faintly heard her dad say "Give them a moment for pities sake!" Boromir cried out "By nightfall these hills will be roaming with orcs!" her dad protested. 

"On your feet Sam." Aragorn said standing Sam up and patting him. He went over to Legolas holding there daughter while she sobbed into his chest. "Hey." he said gently kneeling down she flinched. "Don't tune out. Not now." he said again. Slowly she untuned the world around her "There we go. We have to move ok." he said to her.

Hope jumped into Aragorn crying hard while Aragorn rubbed her back in circles "Shhh. It's ok. It's going to be ok." he said and she nodded "Are you feeling a bit better?" he asked his daughter and she nodded.

"Frodo!" he called out and jogged over to Frodo talking to him. Together they made their way to Lothlorien.

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