Book 2 Chapter 10- Isengard

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I went up to Legolas and Gimli as they were counting off their battle scores "They have Hope." I said and the realization hit me and I broke down sobbing. Legolas hugged me rubbing my back in comfort and Haldir came up to us "Why would they take her?" he asked

Gimli suddenly cleared his throat " I might know why." he said. He explained to us of how my daughter woke up with a nightmare on the way to Helm's Deep. "She had a nightmare and you didn't tell us!" I growled at him and he shifted uncomfortably under my glare

"Erm... Yes.." he replied and I lunged at him. Legolas and Haldir held onto my arms holding me back. They started leading me to a room and Theoden, Eomer, and Gandalf helped.

I explained to Theoden, Eomer, and Gandalf what happened as I sobbed and Legolas kissed my temple "We'll get her back. She's strong." he told me and I nodded.

Gandalf told us that he was going to go to Isengard. We all agreed that we would go with him. As we were leaving Haldir told an elf that had survived the battle to send a message to Lady Galadriel that he was going to stay with us until the Ring is destroyed.

We got on our horses and started riding to Isengard. I had apologized to Gimli and he forgave me.

As we neared the clearing of Isengard we heard familiar laughter of two hobbits. They were sitting on a wall eating and smoking. Merry seeing us stood up "Welcome my lords to Isengards!"

"You young rascals! A merry hunt you lead us on and now we find you feasting.....and.....and smoking!" Gimli scolded them. Legolas and I just shook our heads.

"We are sitting on a field of victory, eating a few well earned comforts." Pippin replied "The salted pork is particularly good. "Salted pork?" Gimli asked

"Hobbits...." Gandalf muttered under his breath.

"We're under orders of Treebeard, who's taken over management of Isengard. " Merry told us.

"Young master Gandalf, I'm glad you've come. Wood, stock, and stone I can master, but there's a wizard here to manage." a ent named Treebeard said.

"Show yourself." I shouted angrily. We suddenly heard a piercing scream in the air. I locked eyes with Legolas and Haldir.  "Be careful. Even in defeat, Saruman is dangerous." Gandalf told me as a figure appeared at the top of the tower.


I woke up five minutes from my last torture section. My body was beaten, bruised, and bloodied. I heard the voice of my dad shout up "Show yourself!" Saruman sighed before he pushed me against the wall and kissed my lips passionately.

I struggled against him and and he bit down hard on my bottom lip causing blood to fill my mouth.  "I'll be back love." he whispered in my ear before nibbling on it and leaving me against the wall.

I shook and fell down onto the floor. Black spots filled my vision and I closed my eyes as I leaned my head against the wall.

I suddenly heard footsteps coming my way and I curled myself onto the floor trying to keep myself planted. "Hope...." dad breathed out and I carefully looked up to see my dad there in front of me.

He called out to the others that he had found me. "Daddy..." I cried out and lifted my arms up as I used to do when I wanted to be held. He lifted me up and I buried my head in his neck.

We exited the tower and dad placed me in front of Haldir "Go to sleep. You need rest." Haldir whispered in my ear. I nodded and we left, the rocking of the horse making me fall asleep.


I woke up in a room in Edoras. Haldir was laying next to me on the bed and the rest of the fellowship was sitting around the room talking softly. I stirred and brought my knees to my chest.

I kept my eyes closed "Are you awake?" Haldir asked softly. I nodded "Legolas, Aragorn she's awake." Haldir said to the room.

Ada and dad sat on the bed "What happened to you?" Ada asked softly and I sighed before putting my head on Haldir's chest and told them all that had happened to me.

The room fell into a silence as I finished my story. King Theoden and Eomer had joined the room as I explained what happened to me. I bowed my head in acknowledgment.

The room was in a awkward silence and I decided to sing. (Play song here)

"I'll be fine. I have you guys." I said and smiled at them before I suddenly thought of something "Luna? Spirit?" I asked and dad chuckled "You really care about them more then yourself don't you?" he asked and I nodded

Luna jumped up onto my bed and I smiled at her ruffling her fur and burying my head in her fur. Pippin came up and in his arms were Spirit. He handed her to me carefully. "Thank you." I said softly and side hugged him.

I smiled at everyone in the room and they smiled back at me.

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