Book 3 Chapter 8- The Coronation

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I woke up in a bed with Haldir rubbing my arm and Spirit in his arms. Ada, Zach, Merry, Pippin, Frodo, Sam, and Gimli were all seated around the room.

I rolled over and hugged Haldir, who smiled "Do you want to scare your Ada?" He asked quietly so no one would know that I was awake. I nodded and smiled. He handed me a dagger from my belt that wasn't on me.

I smiled and threw a dagger in Ada's direction. It embedded itself in the wall and Ada looked up. "Morning!" I said cheerily and he went over to my bed sitting on it gingerly. "How are you lass?" Gimli asked

"Fine." I answered "You know when all this is over, you're going to be grounded." Ada stated and I smiled. "You're going to put me in the ground?" I asked and Zach laughed.

I smiled at him and Ada and Haldir eyed him wearily. I smiled and dad and Gandalf walked into the room. He stopped in his tracks and went over to me enveloping me in a hug.

The Fellowship filed out of the room leaving me with my dads and Haldir. Before he left Zach threw me a look. I smiled reassuringly and he left.

"What were you thinking?" dad asked and I shrugged my shoulders "At least I saved you. Besides you know I'm stubborn." I said looking down.

Dad put his hand under my chin bringing my head up. "I'm just glad you're ok." he said and he hugged me again along with Ada and Haldir. Tears ran down my face "The darkness is over isn't it?" I asked and they all nodded.

I smiled.


I was in a dress and standing with the elves. Ada was hidden from view. The crowd stopped talking when dad walked out, dressed in the garb of kings, a dark cloak over his shoulders. Gandalf walked out after, and then Gimli walked out.

Gandalf stood on the top of the steps as dad knelt in front of him, bowing his head. Everyone watched in awe as Gandalf carefully took the silver crown from the cushion Gimli was holding and placed it slowly on dad's head.

"Now come the day's of the king. " Gandalf announced to everyone, with a proud smile on his face. Dad turned to regard the huge body of people gathered for his coronation.  "This day does not belong to one man, but to all. Let us together rebuild this world, that we may share in the days of peace." dad said proudly.

Everyone clapped and cheered heartily. The blossoms of the White Tree fluttered down amongst us, and dad started singing softly in elvish.

" Out of the Great Sea to Middle Earth I am come. In this place I will abide, and my heirs, unto the ending of the world. "

Once he finished his song, he walked slowly off the steps, people bowing to him as he went. He passed by Eowyn who linked arms with Faramir, Boromir's brother, then he passed Eomer, and finally came to Haldir.

He placed his hand on Haldir's shoulder and he did the same. "Thank you." dad whispered in elvish and they shared a smile before dad came to me.

I bowed and he smiled at me. "You needn't bow." he said and hugged me before kissing me on the top of my head. My eyes went behind me and his eyes followed mine.

Ada was holding a banner and he walked forward. Everyone watched in silence as he took the banner from him and gave it to someone else to hold. Ada bowed his head in respect and he delicately placed his fingers under Ada's chin.

Finally he leaned down and kissed Ada passionately twirling him around. I felt a hand enclose mine as everybody started cheering and looked up to see Zach. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

We watched as Ada and dad made their way through the crowd smiling at each other with a twinkle in both of their eyes. They both stopped when they reached the hobbits and they bowed awkwardly in respect.

Dad smiled softly and approached them. "My friends you bow to no one." he said and kneeled down in front of them, everyone following suit.

I smiled and for once everything seemed well. There was no more darkness in the world. I was happy.

How was the chapter? Just the epilogue after this chapter! Link to her dress and hairstyle down below. Vote and Comment please :)

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