Chapter 10- The Mirror

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I woke up in the middle of the night to find that my dads had both rolled over and there was a little gap in between all three of us.

I decided to go for a walk and crawled out walking softly without waking anyone up.  I found myself walking in a random direction. I looked up and saw that I was standing in front of the Lady Galadriel and her mirror.

I bowed "Lady Galadriel." I said softly and she smiled "Would you like to look into the mirror?" she asked and I nodded hesitantly. She started pouring water from a basin into the mirror "This mirror will show your past, present, and future." she said and motioned for me to come and look into the mirror.

As I looked into the mirror I saw a man and elf carrying a baby. The man was carrying a golden ring around his neck. Suddenly what I saw horrified me, the man and the woman were murdered. The mirror then changed to show the Fellowship sleeping , the present I heard Galadriels voice in my head.

The future if you shall fail, Galadriel said as the mirror changed and I saw Ada and dad ragged and bruised in a city that was burning "You are a monster." they kept on chanting. The mirror suddenly changed again the future if you are to suceed, she said and I saw Ada and dad looking into each others eyes and walking with me in between them laughing. The mirror then went back to how it was before.

I shuddered and looked at Lady Galadriel "The people in the mirror. They were my parents weren't they?" I asked and she nodded "Your father once carried a ring similar to the one the Ring Bearer carries. Except it was his wedding ring. They were tortured and soon died. You were left in the woods, hidden from sight until Legolas and Aragorn found you." she said explaining what had happened to my birth parents.

I looked down at my mood changing necklace that I wore and the one wrapped around the hilt of my sword. "It was my mothers wasn't it? The other half of the necklace." I asked as tears filled in my eyes.

"Yes." she answered then continued "Your father was a soldier of Gondor. Your mother was a elf from Rivendell. They were both warriors." she explained "Your father left Gondor for your mother and soon enough they lived together, having lots of adventures, and then you were born. They loved you so much." she said

I nodded "Thank you." I whispered and she nodded. I slowly walked back to where the Fellowship still lay sleeping. I went back to my spot in between my dads and fell asleep again.

When I woke up again I was the second one awake. The only other person awake was Ada. I smiled at him and went to the bath house where I changed back into the clothes I always wore on the long journey.

When I came back everyone was awake. I packed my things and by that time everyone was all ready. We were accompanied by the elves and met Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn at the boats.  "We have prepared three boats for you to aid you down the River Anduin. The elves of Caras Galadon have also prepared provisions for your journey. We send you off with the blessing of Elves in hope that you will remain safe and the purpose would be fulfilled." Celeborn said

He nodded to some elves and they placed cloaks on their backs fastening them with leaf brooches. Haldir placed the cloak on Hope's back and they shared a smile before he stepped back "Never before have we clad strangers in the garb of our own people. May these cloaks help shield you from unwielding eyes." Celeborn said and then stepped to the side as Galadriel gave gifts to the Fellowship.

"My gift for you Legolas, is a bow of the Galadrien worthy of the skill of our Woodland kin." she said as a elf gave Ada a beautiful curved bow. His eyes brightened and he studied it and thanked her. Galadriel smiled and went to Merry and Pippin next and gave them each a sheathed dagger "These are the daggers of Noldering." she said and they both unsheathed the weapon "They have already seen service in war. Do not fear young Peregrin Took you will find your courage."

Galadriel then moved to Sam "As for you Samwise Gamgee. Elven rope made of heathline." she said and handed the hobbit a coil of Silver cable "Thank you my lady, but you wouldn't happen to have any more of those nice shiny daggers would you?" Sam asked causing the woman to laugh

"And what gift would a dwarf ask from the elves?" Galadriel questioned Gimli "Nothing." he shook his head "Except to look upon the lady Galadriel one last time for she is more fair than the woven jewls beneath the Gulf." The woman laughed and smiled widely which sent a flash of pink across Gimli's face.

"Actually there is one thing..." he said quietly before whispering something in Galadriels ear. She then handed him something and turned to me "I give you Hope, your mothers dagger that she left here on one journey for her child if anything should have happened to her." she said and handed me a curved dagger. I took it "Thank you." I whispered and bowed before she moved on to dad.

I didn't hear what they were talking about as I unsheathed the dagger. The blade was about 4 inches long and so was the black handle. I smiled to myself and sheathed it once more before securing the dagger around the belt along my waist that held  my 3 daggers. I then unwrapped the other half of the mood changing necklace that was my mother's and wrapped it around the dagger that was now mine.

Galadriel then turned to Frodo smiling at him "Farewell Frodo Baggins. I give you the light of Earendil, our most beloved star. May it be a light for you in dark places when all other lights go out." she said

She then turned to Boromir giving him a new blade "For you son of Gondor, a blade from Calas Galadhon. May it protect you and may you wield it with the strength of your forefathers." she said to Boromir.

The elves then bid us goodbye, but before Haldir could leave I jumped on him and he smiled and hugged me "You stay safe. If you don't come back I will personally strangle you myself." he said and hugged me even tighter "I love you too Haldir." I said and buried my face in the crook of his neck. After a few minutes he dropped me and left to go along with the other elves.

It may have been my imagination, but I thought I saw a tear fall from his eye. I shook my head and helped the others load the boats "Lembas!" Ada said unwrapping one of the provisions "Elvish whey bread. One small bite is enough to fill the stomach of a grown man." he said to Merry and Pippin.

"How many did you eat?" Merry asked pippin after Ada left them "Four." Pippin answered and then belched turning a sickly shade of green.

I laughed and turned to climb into a boat behind Gimli and in front of Ada. We then continued our journey now refreshed and rested.

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