Book 3 Chapter 2- Leaving Edoras

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"There was no lie in Pippins eyes. A fool, but an honest fool he remains. He told Sauron nothing of Frodo and the ring." Gandalf was telling Theoden king.

The fellowship was gathered in the Throne room talking about the events that happened last night. Haldir had his arm around my shoulders as I had tripped multiple times that morning. I was still burning with fever and everybody was worried about me, but I brushed them off.

"We have been strangely fortunate. Pippin saw a glimpse of the enemies plan. Sauron moves to strike the city of Minas Tirith." Gandalf told us and then turned to dad "His defeat at Helm's Deep showed our enemy one thing. He knows the Heir of Elendil has come forth and the hope of his people now stands at his side." Gandalf then turned back to the king and continued "Men are not as weak as he supposed. There is both courage and hope still. Strength enough, perhaps, to the throne of men. If the beacons of Gondor are lit, Rohan must be ready for war." Gandalf informed us.

"Tell me. Why should we ride to the aid of those who did not come to ours? What do we owe Gonder?" Theoden asked the wizard

"I will go." dad stated and my eyes landed on him. "No!" Gandalf said firmly "They must be warned." dad argued "They will be." said the wizard and stepped closer to dad.

"You must come closer to Minas Tirith by another road. Follow the river. Look to the black ships." I heard Gandalf say to him

"Understand this, things are now in motion that cannot be undone. I ride for Minas Tirith and I won't be going alone." Gandalf stated looking at Pippin.

Before we knew it Gandalf was running out of the doors of the Golden Hall to the stables where Shadowfax was with the two hobbits on his tail, arguing.

I saw Merry run out of the stables and up the steps of the watchtower. I followed him and rubbed his arm in comfort as he watched his cousin riding away from him. "He's always followed me everywhere I went since before we were tweens. I would get him in the worse sort of trouble, but I was always there to get him out. Now he's gone. Just like Frodo and Sam." said Merry sadly.

I looked down at him "You'll see them again. They'll all be alright." I whispered to him "How do you know?" Merry asked and I smiled down at him gently "You just have to have faith about these things." I answered

"One thing I've learned about Hobbits: They are the most hardy folk." dad said as he came up behind us. "Foolhardy maybe. He's a Took!" Merry replied causing the three of us to laugh.


Over the time I've turned pale as the darkness grew. I barely slept with all of the nightmares Sauron has put in my mind. I've also been eating less and everyone's noticed.

I've still been burning a fever, but everyone has noticed that the nightmares have gone away when Haldir, dad, or Ada is around. Haldir has decided to stay with us until the Ring is destroyed.

I was currently in  Shadows stall with Luna, Spirit, and Athena. I was dozing off when riders burst into the stables grabbing their horses. I flinched at this and got up.

I led Shadow out of the stall and Athena flew out of the stables and as I got on Shadow, Athena landed on my shoulder.

Ada and Haldir rode up on either side of me. "You've been in the stables?" Haldir asked and I nodded and flashed him a smile "It calms me." I replied

I heard Eomer shout to the Rohirrim "Now is the hour, Riders of Rohan! Oaths you have taken! Now fulfill them all to Lord and land! Hah!"

With that the riders began to gallop out of Edoras and to another battle.

So...How did you like this chapter? Hope you like it also sorry this chapter was so short. Comment and vote please :)

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