Book 2 Chapter 9- Saruman

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I woke up in a room that I wasn't familiar with. I groaned  as I tried to sit up and look at my surroundings. "Oh good you're awake." a voice said and I looked up to see a wizard dressed in white standing in front of me.

"Saruman." I hissed and tried to kick him but he moved back a step. I notice another person standing behind him and noticed it was Grima. "You traitor." I spat out and Someone slapped me.

I looked up and noticed that it was Sauron in human form. "Hello love." He hissed and grabbed me by my hair bringing me upright.

"How's mom?" he asked "You know what happened to her." I hissed and he slapped me again. "Well someone needs to be taught a lesson." he said and I noticed greed in his eyes.

"If only you weren't my daughter." he said and gave Saruman a pitying look. "I'm not your daughter." I said confusion etched upon my face. "Oh, but you are. Your mother once was brought to me. I offered to let her go if she would do something for me. Later she found out she was pregnant with you." he hissed.

I tried to pull away  from his grasp, but I noticed ankle bindings on my ankles. I glared at him "Well it's a good thing because you'll never be my father!" I shout at him. A Uruk comes up and grabs one of my wrists twisting it. "Were is my ring! I know you have it!" Sauron shouts and I look up at him

"I'll never tell you. Never!" I shout trying to ignore the pain in my arm. "Very well. We're doing this the hard way." Sauron said. He grabbed my wrists and pulled me to a room that had a bed in it.

He brought me down on the bed and I tried to get up to run, but he pushed me down and climbed on top of me. He brought his lips to mine and kissed me passionately. He then bit down on my lip and I felt blood fill my mouth.

I felt his weight leave me and I opened my eyes to see him holding a fiery whip. "You. Will. Give. Me. My. Ring." he said a fire burning in his eyes bringing the whip down on me in between every word and I tried not to scream out in pain.

"Never!" I shouted. and he got on top of me again and pulled a dagger out and to my skin. I screamed as he carved words into my skin. When he was finished he got up "I'll be back." he simply said as he left me there lying on the bed.

I looked down trying to read what it said and when it did I regretted it. It read Traitor . All I could hope for was that someone would save me. And soon.


The men were grabbing anything and everything to brace the doors to keep the Uruks from breaking in. I looked around not seeing Hope and I prayed that she was ok. "The fortress is taken. It is over." Theoden said

"You said this fortress would never fall while your men defend it. They still defend it they have died defending it!" I reminded Theoden

The king said nothing "Is there no other way for the women and children to get out of the caves?" I asked and was met with silence "Is there no other way?" I asked again "There is one passage. It leads into the mountains, but they will not get far the Uruk Hai are too many." Gambling informed me.

"Send word for the women and children to make for the mountain pass and barricade the entrance." I instructed

"So much death. What can men do against such reckless hate?" Theoden asked helplessly "Ride out with me." I replied "Ride out and meet them." I repeated determination in my voice.

A light of determination can be seen in the kings eyes. "For death and glory." I stepped forward "For Rohan. For your people." I clarified "The sun is rising." Gimli stated and I remembered Gandalfs words.

"Yes. Yes! The horn of Helm Hammerhand shall sound in the deep one last time!" said Theoden "Yes!" Gimli said and ran off to the horn.

We got our horses "Fell deeds awake. Now for wrath. Now for ruin and a red dawn!" Theoden said to his men. "Forth Eorlingas!" he exclaimed as we all unsheathed our swords.

The gates were broken down and we charged through killing all the orcs in our path. We all stopped fighting as we noticed Gandalf on the hill "Theoden King stands alone." Gandalf stated "Not alone. Rohirram!" Eomer shouted

"To the king!" Eomer shouted and led a charge as we continued fighting. We drove the Orcs down and to a forest that wasn't there before.

"Don't follow them in the forest!" Eomer warned and Gandalf and I shared a smile when the battle ended

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