Book 2 Chapter 7- She's Alive

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I made rode into Helm's Deep and was met by shouts of "She's alive!" I got off Shadow and heard a familar voice shout "Were is she? Where is she? I'm going to kill her!" Gimli shouted and I forced a smile as Gimli hugged me.

I felt a bone crack and I knew that I had probably broken a rib or two. Maybe three. "Gimli where is the king?" I asked my cheeks growing hot under all the attention that I was getting. 

"Follow me lass." Gimli told me. Gimli led the way and I followed him. I took in a deep breath and opened the two large doors where I saw surprised faces including the king, Ada, and dad.

"Hope..." dad breathed out and I ran to him and Ada where I jumped into their arms and wrapped my legs around their torsos. I buried my face inside their necks and started sobbing.

"You're alive..." Ada breathed "I am. I'll tell you the story later though. I have news." I said, my words muffled in their necks.

"What is it?" dad asked concern showing in his eyes. I sighed before taking my face out of my father's necks and said out loud "All of Isengard has been emptied."

At this everyone stopped "How many?" Theoden asked "Ten thousand strong at least." I answered sighing. "Ten thousand!" the king exclaimed and I nodded "They will be here by nightfall." I stated

"Let them come!" the king said and we started following him Ada carrying me in his arms. "I want every man  able to bear arms to be ready for battle by nightfall." I heard the king say

"We will cover the causeway and the gate from above. No army has ever breached the Deeping Wall or set foot inside the Hornburg!" Theoden said

"This is no rabble of mindless Orc. These are Uruk Hai. Their armor is thick and their shields broad." Gimli told him

Theoden stood in front of Gimli as he said "I have fought many wars Master Dwarf. I know how to defend my own keep." 

As we continued walking, Theoden added "They will break upon this fortress like water on rock. Saruman's hordes will pillage and burn. We've seen it before. Crops can be resown, homes rebuilt. Within these walls we will outlast them. "

"They do not come to destroy Rohan's crops or villages. They come to destroy it's people, down to the last child." dad argued and the king came closer to dad "What would you have me do? Look at my men. Their courage hangs by a thread. If this is to be our end,then  I would have them make such a end as to be worthy of remembrance." the king stated

"Send out riders my lord. You must call for aid." dad persisted "And who will come? Elves? Dwarves? We are not so lucky in our friends as you. The old alliances are dead." Theoden asked

"Gondor will answer." dad replied

"Gondor! Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell? Where was Gondor when our enemies closed in around us? Where was Gon- No my Lord Aragorn we are alone." Theoden said.

"We watched as Theoden climbed some stairs and say to a guard "Get the women and children into the caves." one of the guards looked at me and I glared at him. "No. I'm not going into the caves. I'm fighting with the fellowship." I stated

We started walking with dad to who knows where. Dad was about to say something when a voice interrupted him "My lord! My lord Aragorn!" Eowyn's voice came drifting over as she ran over

"I am to be sent with the women and children into the caves." Eowyn complained to dad "That is an honorable charge." dad replied

"To mind the children and find food and bedding for when the men return. What is renown is there in that?" Eowyn asked "My lady there may be a time for valor without renown. Who then will the people look to when in the last defense?" dad questioned, but Eowyn was persistent "Let me stand at your side." Eowyn said and dad shook his head "It is not in my power to command it." he told her, but Eowyn spoke up "You do not command the others to stay. Nor do you command your adopted daughter to stay even after what she has been through and even though she is a child."

"She stays because she was well trained.  Trained from a young age and learned from experience of the dangers of battle and what harm it may bring." dad told her "They stay because they would not be parted from you, because they love you." Eowyn said shaking her head.

There was a moment of silence before dad broke eye contact and told her "I am sorry." before turning around and walking toward the armory. "Your wolf and her pup is in the stables!" Eowyn called out and I smiled.

Ada knowing me, dropped me and I stumbled before dad steadied me, putting his hand on my arm. I looked up to him and smiled before I ran off to the stables where I found Luna and Spirit in Shadow's stall.

"I've missed you too!" I exclaimed as I sat down with Luna and Spirit jumping on me and licking my face.

I heard footsteps and looked up seeing Ada and dad smiling "You should get some rest. You're no good to us half alive." Ada said and I sighed before getting up "Alright, but I expect to be woken up soon." I demanded and they nodded.

They walked me toward a bedroom and both kissed me on my forehead "Sleep well. " Ada whispered

Before they could walk off I decided to be a innocent and good child "Don't do anything naughty." I said to them before walking in the room, closing the door and climbing into the bed with Luna and Spirit.

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