Book 2 Chapter 3- Edoras

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We stopped on the hill facing Edoras. "Edoras and the Golden hall of Meduseld. There dwells King Theoden, who's mind is overthrown. Sarumans grip on Theoden is now very strong. Be careful what you say. Do not look for welcome here." Gandalf warned us.

We entered through the gates and as we did I saw a flag drop to the ground. We were met by silence as we rode on. I looked around and saw that the people look weary "You'd find more cheer in a graveyard." Gimli stated and I nodded sadly.

We handed our horses to a stable boy and made our way up the stairs, but were stopped by the palace guards. "I cannot let you in before Theoden King so armed Gandalf Greyhem. By order of Grima Wormtongue." he said and I noticed that he tried his best to not spit the name out.

Gandalf nodded in agreement and motioned for us to take off our weapons. I sighed before I took off my bow and arrows and unsheathed my longsword. I then took off my belt that had my daggers and throwing knives and sword. I then put my hand on dad's shoulder as I reached into my boots to grab the three daggers that I kept hidden in each boot.

I noticed everyone staring at me "What? Is it a crime to be cautious in this world?" I asked. The man in charge then turned to Gandalf "Your staff." he said "Oh... you would not part an old man from his walking stick?" Gandalf asked as he leaned a bit more on his staff.

The guard I finally remembered as Hama looked at Gandalf unsure for a moment before finally nodding and opening the doors. When Hama's back was turned I saw Gandalf throw a wink at my dad and he smiled. Ada offered his arm to Gandalf as we walked into the throne room.

The doors closed behind us and I turned noticing we were now locked in. Gandalf let go of Ada's arm and continued walking.  The room was dark and was lit by a few windows that that let light in. 

In front of us sat two two men. One of them was sitting on the throne looking old, weak, and sick. The other had pale skin and black hair and was dressed all in black. Luna growled at him and I put my hand on her head. 

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a group of men following us. "The courtesy of your hall is somewhat lessened of late, Theoden King." Gandalf said "He's a herald of woe...he's not welcome." Grima whispered to the king.

"Why should I welcome you.... Gandalf....Stormcrow?" The king asked and looked over to Grima "A just question my liege." Grima said standing up and walking toward us "Late is the hour in which the conjerer chooses to appear. Lathspell I name him. Ill news is an ill guest." Grima hissed at us and Luna growled yet again.

"Be silent. Keep your forked tongue behind your teeth. I did not pass through fire and death to bandy crooked words with a witless worm." Gandalf ordered and pointed his staff in front of Grima's face.

"His staff! I told you to take the wizard's staff!" Grima shouted and the men suddenly rushed toward us. I  set Spirit down sighing as I did so and punched a man who tried to grab me and stuck my leg out causing him to fall. Another man came toward me, but I sidestepped and punched him in the gut causing him to reel over before Luna bit him where the sun doesn't shine. 

I noticed Grima tried to run away somehow holding Spirit. I growled and ran toward him. I jumped on him tackling him to the floor punching and kicking. I finally stopped and was on top of him. Luna stepped on the worm and I got off "If I were you I would give you back my wolf's pup before you get your limbs bitten off one by one." I growled and Luna growled in agreement.

Gimli came up and put his axe to Grima's neck and stepped on his chest. "I would give the lass her wolf pup back." he said. Grima who was shaking in fear from my threat shakily gave Spirit back and I hugged her close.

I threw a smile to Gimli and leaned against a pillar watching the scene unfold before me. "I release you from this spell." Gandalf said and held a hand up closing his eyes in concentration. Theoden started laughing and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion "You have no power here Gandalf the Grey!" the king shouted in victory.

Gandalf threw his grey cloak off and a blinding white light filled the room. Theoden was thrown back into his throne "I will draw you Saruman as poison is drawn from a wound." Gandalf said and pointed his staff at Theoden

I noticed a blonde woman come running out to see the commotion and when she saw what was happening to the king she tried to run forward to stop him, but dad stopped her "Wait." I heard him say to her.

"If I go. Theoden dies." the king sneered, but it wasn't the king speaking. It was Saruman who was speaking. "You did not kill me, you will not kill him. " Gandalf said and the king hunched forward.

"Rohan is mine!" sneered Saruman "Begone!" Gandalf said and pushed his staff a little forward. The king yelled and leaped forward to tackle Gandalf, but Gandalf stopped him and he was thrown back in his throne.

Dad released the woman and she ran to the king catching him as he fell. The king's appearance suddenly changed. The wrinkles leaving his face, his facial hair shrunk back, and the grey in his hair went back to it's natural blonde color. The kings eyes changed back to a blue color and he turned to the woman in front of him. "I know your face. Eowyn. " He whispered

The king shakily got to his feet and looked around at all the people in the room "Gandalf?" the king whispered in disbelief "Breathe the free air again my friend." Gandalf said and smiled at the king.

Theoden's eyes glazed over for a minute "Dark have been my dreams of late." he said and glanced down at his hands. "Your fingers would remember their old strength better if they grasped your sword." Gandalf stated and then nodded at the guard who had taken our weapons.

The guard approached the king and lifted a beautiful sheathed sword. Theoden slowly pulled the sword from the sheath and studied it before turning to face Grima who had gotten up. "Remove him from my sight." he bellowed which made me flinch.

"Luna." I called out to my wolf as she was following Grima to keep an eye on him. Luna stopped and bounded over to me and everyone followed Theoden as he went outside.

Grima was tossed down the stairs and I flinched as I saw that. King Theoden slowly made his way down the stairs with his sword in hand. "I've ever only served you, my lord." Grima protested and scooted away from the glowering king.

"Your leechcraft would have had me crawling on all fours like a beast." yelled the king. "Send me not from your sight." the worm pleaded.  A crowd of spectators had gathered. The king raised his sword and was about to bring it down upon the man when my dad barreled into the king killing the blow.

"No my lord. No my lord. Enough blood has been spilled on his account." dad protested and the King's eyes widened and backed away slowly.

Dad lowered his hand down to the man offering to help him up and Grima stared at it before spitting directly into his hand. Luna growled and ran down the steps standing before dad and growling at Wormtongue before I could grab her.

He ran down the rest of the stairs and through the crowd of people "Get out of my way!" he screamed and made his way to the stables and a second later rode out of the kingdom on a horse.

"Hail Theoden King!" someone shouted and everyone got down on one knee. The king looked around before asking everyone "Where is Theodred? Where is my son?" 

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