Chapter 1- The Prancing Pony

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"this means the characters are speaking in english"

"This means they're speaking in elvish"

It was raining in the village of Bree as four hobbits came into the inn of The Prancing Pony a ranger and his daughter were sitting in a corner of the inn watching the hobbits as they sat down "Those two people have done nothing but stare at you since we sat down." a hobbit with light brown hair said to a dark haired hobbit.

Both of the figures had their hoods up. The older figure had dark hair, with flecks of grey and grey eyes. The younger figure had blonde hair and blue-green eyes.

"Excuse me," the dark haired hobbit said to Barliman Butterbur, the innkeeper "Those two people in the corner who are they?" he asked "They're rangers. They call him Strider in the wild. She's known to be his daughter she's known to be Ray." Barliman said

"Strider and Ray." the dark haired hobbit muttered to himself while fingering a gold ring. "Is that Frodo dad?" Ray asked "Yes. Go to the room." Strider answered.  She nodded and left going to a room upstairs and waiting in a room. 

A while later Strider burst into the room dragging Frodo in with him. "I can make myself hidden, but to disappear entirely that is a rare gift." Strider said while putting out the candles  "Who are you?" Frodo asked "Are you frightened?" Strider asked him "Yes." answered Frodo "Not nearly frightened enough. I know what follows you." "What do you want?" Frodo asked "A little more caution from you. That is no trinket you carry." Strider said to him before the other three hobbits burst into the room.  The hobbits were holding up lit candle, a stool, and one had his hands raised in fists.  "Let him go, or I'll   have you longshakes." Sam threatened Strider

"You have a stout heart, but that will not save you." Strider stated "Sleep now. You can't wait for Gandalf any longer." Ray said coming out of the shadows. "I already stuffed the pillows underneath the sheets." Ray whispered to Strider going over to the window and sitting down watching the streets.

All was silent while the hobbits slept and Strider and Ray watched the streets in the shadows until screeches were heard waking the hobbits. "What are they?" Frodo asked "They were once men. Until Sauron the deceiver gave them nine rings of power. Blinded by their greed they fell into darkness one by one. They will stop at nothing until they find the ring." Strider answered  "Sleep more. We'll have a long journey ahead of us." Ray said to the hobbits.

-Time skip-

"Where are you taking us?" Sam asked "Into the wild." Strider said as he pulled his cloak to himself. "To be precise we're going to Rivendell Sam." called out Ray "Did you hear that Mr.Frodo Rivendell. We're going to see the elves!" Sam smiled.

"Why are you stopping?" Ray asked "Breakfast." answered Pippen " You've already had it." Strider stated "We've had one yes, but what about second breakfast?" Pippen asked.  Strider and Ray walked ahead "Don't think they know about second breakfast Pip." Merry said to his cousin. "What about elvensies? Luncheon, afternoon tea? They know about them don't they?" Pippen asked "I wouldn't count on it." Merry said before Strider threw a apple at Merry who caught it and handed it to Pippen walking off. Ray threw another apple at Pippen who looked at the sky in confusion "Pippen." Merry called as Ray chuckled.

They traveled until nightfall stopping at the ruins of Amon Sul. "Take these." Strider said handing them swords about their height, "Strider and I are going to take a look around," Ray added. Ray and Strider had been scouting around the area as they heard screeches. They looked at each other "That can only be one thing." Ray stated her eyes going wide as she rushed off carrying a torch and back to the hobbits. She jumped onto a Ringwraith putting it on fire as Strider joined her not a minute later falling into battle as they slowly defeated the Ringwraiths for now.

"Strider, Ray!" Sam called out as they rushed to Frodo's side. "He's been stabbed by a morgul blade. This is beyond my skill to heal. He needs Elvish medicine." Strider said examining the sword as he picked up Frodo the hobbits and Ray following him as they ran into the wild and towards Rivendell "We're six days from Rivendell!" He'll never make it!" Sam called out "Sam do you know the Atheleas plant?" Strider asked "Atheleas?" Sam asked "Kingsfoil." Ray said to him "Kingsfoil aye that's a weed." Sam said "It may help to slow the poisoning." Strider said to him.

As they went off to find some Kingsfoil Ray let out a whistle calling her horse Shadow to her. A all black horse came running into view as Strider came back "Let me get him to Rivendell. The power of the elves will help him when I cross the river dad." "Let me go. I'll send horses for you." "No. I'm the faster rider. I'm going." Ray said stubbornly "No it's to dangerous." "It's always dangerous when it comes to the ring." Ray reasoned "No I'm going I don't want you to get hurt!" Strider said defensively "Hey. I'm not going to get hurt. I'll be fine. Besides you and Ada taught me everything I need to know." Ray said softly "Fine, but Ray ride hard and don't look back." Strider said. She nodded as she urged Shadow to run. Aragorn sighed as she disappeared, farther into the forest and toward Rivendell. 

Ray was riding faster as she turned her head and saw five of the black riders. Shouldn't have looked back she thought to herself as she urged her horse faster getting a cut on her cheek thanks to a branch sticking out.  She looked down as she felt a pain in the side of her stomach seeing blood running out. She sighed her fathers were not going to be happy.  She looked on ahead the river was right ahead of her If i can only make it the power of the elves would help me she thought to herself as she crossed the river she stopped. "Give up the hobbit She-Girl." One of the Ringwraiths hissed

"If you want him come and get him." She said unsheathing her sword. The black riders slowly came towards her hissing. "Waters of the Misty Mountains, hear the word of power, rush, waters of Bruinen against the Ringwraiths!" As she said this water came rushing down in the shape of horses. The Ringwraiths stopped in their tracks as they got carried away by the rushing waters.

Frodo suddenly gasped bringing her attention back to Frodo. She laid him on the bank "No Frodo. Please don't fall into the shadows. We're almost there, just hold on." She cried putting Frodo back on her horse and urging him to go faster.

As she neared Rivendell the elves spotted her and healers rushed out along with Lord Elrond. She carried him off the horse and gave him to Lord Elrond and going to her room as she tried to stop the blood from coming out. After 5 minutes of not being able to stop the blood from coming out she decided to go to Lord Elrond. 

"Hope." Elrond said coming out of the room "My Lord. How is Frodo?" she asked trying to hide the pain in her voice. "He will be ok thanks to you getting him here quickly." Elrond replied "My Lord-" She was cut off by more blood coming out which caused her to gasp and her knees gave way as black spots clouded her vision. "Hope! Get some more healers." she faintly heard before blacking out.

Yay! I got a chapter out! I'll try to update on Tuesdays and Thursdays since I'm not that busy on those days also link to Hope at the bottom of the page

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