Chapter 11- Fight in the Woods

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The video is NOT mine.  I found it on youtube and I felt like I should put it on this chapter because I just felt like it was right. You know?

We had gone a long way down the river and were currently resting as we had just gotten out of the boats. We sat around a fire, but Ada and I were unsettled. There was something off about this place that I didn't like.

"We cross the lake at nightfall. Hide the boats and continue on foot. We approach Mordor from the North." I heard dad say "Oh yes? It's a simple way of finding our way through Emyn Muil an impassible labyrinth of razor sharp rocks. And after that it gets even better festering, stinking marshland as far as the eye can see." Gimli complained and I rolled my eyes as Pippin's smile declined as he heard this

"That is our road. I suggest you take some rest and recover your strength master dwarf." dad responded "Recover my!ohhh!" Gimli sighed

Legolas Pov 

I stopped staring into the woods as I felt a ever growing darkness in my head. I went to my lover leaving my daughter where she was staring at the woods "We should leave now." I whispered to Aragorn "No. Orcs patrol the eastern shore. We must wait for the cover of darkness. " he whispered back.

I felt the hot breath of Aragorn as he said this to me sending shivers down my spine "It's not the eastern shore that worries me. A shadow and a threat has been growing in my mind. Something draws near. I can feel it." I argued

Before we could say anything more I saw our daughter take a deep breath trying to calm herself. We looked at each other before we gave each other a slight smile. I kissed Aragorn on the lips my hands going to his waist and his going to my neck before I ended it to soon for both our likings.

I went over to Hope and rubbed her arm and she snuggled into me. "Where's Frodo?" I heard Merry ask and I looked around not noticing Frodo. I then noticed that Boromir was missing "Boromirs missing too." Hope stated

Hopes pov

We all split into groups to search for Boromir and Frodo. Dad went alone, Gimli, Ada and I went together and we left the hobbits at the campsite.  "Do you hear anything?" Ada asked and I listened more closely closing my eyes.

My eyes flew open startled and I looked around panicked "Swords and Uruk hai!" I said urgently and pulled out my bow. The three of us ran and Ada and I led the way to where the sounds were coming from. 

I shot a Uruk as I came across the hill where dad was currently laying on the ground fighting the Uruk Hai. We helped fought the Uruk Hai as dad got up off the floor "Aragorn go!" Ada shouted and I put my bow away and unsheathed my sword. 

As a Urak was about to go after my dad I cut it's head off.  We kept on fighting giving dad time to go and help the rest of the fellowship.

We were fighting the Uruk Hai as we were following dad.I tried to stick close to Gimli and Ada as were fighting.Ada was killing the Uruks from a distance using his bow to kill them and we were doing good so far. I had just cut another Uruks head off when I heard a horn blowing. Ada shot a Uruk that dad was fighting

"The horn of Gondor!" Ada said looking in that direction "Boromir!" dad exclaimed and ran in that direction. We continued after dad, but Gimli, Ada, and I were held up by the orcs. 

I growled and started to kill the Uruks, hoping to protect Merry, Pippin, Sam, and hopefully Frodo.

I stabbed the Uruks in the stomach killing them and cutting a few heads off. When I had finally finished cutting the last Uruks head off we continued running after dad.

We slowed down as we saw that dad was kneeling next to Boromir talking to him. I then noticed that three arrows were embedded in him. I gasped softly and turned around burying my head in Ada's chest as we let Dad and Boromir  have a private conversation.

Aragorns pov

I saw the light leave Boromirs eyes and I kissed his forehead "Be at peace. Son of Gondor." I whispered and looked up. Legolas came over to me slowly and knelt down rubbing my back as I cried into his chest.

I then looked back at Boromir and then back to him before kissing Legolas. The kiss was needy as if we felt like something were going to happen to each other.  My hands went to his hair as his went to my torso. 

The kiss became deeper as we both grew more needy "Ahem!" I heard Gimli say awkwardly and Hope elbowed him as she opened her eyes "Don't be rude Gimli! Let them have some time!" Hope scolded and I chuckled.

We carried Boromirs body and put him in a boat with his shield, sword, and cloven horn. "Hurry! Frodo and Sam have reached the eastern shore!" Ada shouted as he started to push a boat into the water and he looked back as dad put Boromirs bracers on.

Dad looked toward the eastern shore and I looked toward him. He sighed "You mean not to follow them." Ada realized "Frodo's fate, is no longer in our hands." Dad said  "Then it has all been in vain. The Fellowship has failed." Gimli said

We all gathered around dad and he sighed again "Not if we hold true to each other." dad said putting his arm around Ada and Gimli "We will not abandon Merry and Pippin to torment and death. Not while we have strength left. Leave all that can be spared behind, we travel light. Let's hunt some orc!" dad declared.

I didn't need anyone to convince me. I smiled innocently at Gimli and Ada and ran after dad "Yess!" I heard Gimli shout and laughed in the first time in days. I heard footsteps behind me and I turned around and saw both Gimli and Ada running with us.

I turned back around and smiled as we ran on to who knows where. This was my home, my family.

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