Chapter 1

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Welcome to Chapter 1 of this Teen Wolf and Maze Runner crossover - this is the first crossover of this type I wrote - if this is the first time reading it I hope you enjoy it and please feel free to leave a comment or vote. I am still quite a new writer so any feedback is greatly appreciated - If you are a returning reader, welcome back!


I knew trouble was in store when my phone rang, the only time I heard from my dad was when he need something or he was heading into town for work. Even before I answered the call I had a feeling I knew what was coming, how could I not it had been on the news and everyone was talking about it.

"Scott, I found him! He's alive but he is in a bad way, he has been shot and they don't know if he is going to make it." My dad hurriedly said in one breath.

"Why, what happened to him? Where are you now?" I frantically asked my dad trying to get as much information as possible.

" We are just arriving at the hospital now, I will explain everything when I see you. His dad is already on the way but can you let everyone else know and meet me here asap" dad explained.

" On my way, see you soon!" I stated while hanging up my phone.

Thoughts about what could have happened ran through my head, when was the last time we spoke? What was the last words I said to him? What happened to him?

I quickly remember I was meant to be letting everyone else know, I quickly sent the same message to everyone and jumped on my bike heading to hospital.


The journey to the hospital was only 10 minutes but it felt like the longest ten minutes of my life, when I got there I saw Lydia, Malia, Chris, Derek, Peter and Isaac had all arrived with same look I knew was also showing on my own face.

We all walked in together to be met by my mum and dad, they looked up together when they saw us approaching, panic was written all over there faces. I tried to stay calm as I didn't think me turning into a werewolf in the middle of the hospital would help anyone. They directed us towards an empty family and relatives room and locked the door behind them, they motioned for us to take a seat as they sat down preparing to explain what had happened.

"We don't fully understand at the moment what has happened but here is what we do know. Five years ago, Stiles was assigned to a task force that was tasked with taking down an organization who was doing illegal experiments on people." My dad started to explain.

"How come he was assigned to a task force so soon, he had only just started his training with the FBI academy?" I enquired.

" We received intel that he had been flagged by the organisations as their next target so we assigned him to the taskforce so he could go undercover and shut it down from the inside." My dad explained as best as he could.

"A few weeks later as predicted, he was approached and offered a job with a company called W.I.C.K.E.D, they asked him to be a researcher and developer in one of there sectors. He agreed and we arranged for weekly check ins so we could keep track of him and find out what was happening. For the first year everything was going to plan, they were trusting him more and more, he found love and had friendships with some of the other researchers."

"Then suddenly everything changed, the check ins we received from him was giving us less and less information, he kept saying he can't keep watching his friends die and that he was sorry. The next time we heard from him he sent us a file that contained the co-ordinates of every compound and trial that was happening. He explained that he thought he was found out and had to leave before they found him and would call us when he was somewhere safe and made us promised to wait a month before raiding the locations."

Teen Wolf/Maze Runner Crossover Book 1Where stories live. Discover now