Chapter 12

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Welcome to Chapter 12 - not really sure what to say again apart from enjoy and thank you for the votes!!

When I woke up the sun was shining brightly into my room, it seemed as though the weather was matching my mood at the moment, I quickly hopped in the shower and headed down stairs and found my Mum and Dad sat in the kitchen with a selection of pastry and coffee set out on the counter top.

"Afternoon sweetie, I was not sure how hungry you would be so got a selection of different things so you can grab what you want." Mum greeted me as I made my presence known.

"How's Stiles?" I ask while grabbing a mug of coffee and a couple of pastries.

"Well when I stuck my head in his room before I came home and he was still sound asleep with the Sheriff in the chair next to him. We are hoping once he is awake to be able to do a few more tests and will hopefully get a few more people into see him." Mum explained.

"Before any of that we need to talk about what the deal Ava wants to make, I spoke with the joint chiefs and they think we should take the deal as Stiles may be able to get some information from her that she will not share with ourselves no matter what deal she may make with us." My Dad started to explain.

"Now I know before you say anything about how you are worried about how this may affect Stiles's mental welfare I have already thought about this. I want you to sit either in the room next door or where you sat yesterday so you can listen in and keep an eye on Stiles's heart rate and if he seems to be getting too stressed you have permission to enter the room and get him out." He finished off.

I nodded to show my understanding of this as words seem to be failing me at the moment, I knew that this was the right thing to do but it made me worry how this would effect him.

"When you are ready we can head back to the hospital to see if is he is awake, your Mum is going to have a quick sleep and meet us later. I have to be there anyway as I need to debrief him as soon as possible." He explained.

"Okay I am ready when you are. I will text the others to see if they are coming also." I explain while grabbing my phone and jacket.

As I got into my Dad's car I sent a group text around to check to see who would be coming.

Just heading to hospital now, Stiles still asleep last time mum checked. Are you coming now or later?

I felt like I had only just hit send when the messages came flooding through

Lydia – I have just arrived so will see you in a few minutes, Malia is going to come by later as she needs to sort some things out.

Derek – I am coming and will be bringing Minho with me, I think its going to be good for Stiles to have someone from the glade there also.

Everyone else just seemed to message to say they would be coming either later or tomorrow as they didn't want to over crowed him so soon. When we arrived it didn't feel so tense of an atmosphere here as there had been the past few days, as soon as I entered the door I spotted Minho, Derek and Lydia stood waiting at the reception desk waiting for us.

"Hey Shank, you seem a bit more awake now!" Minho stated as we arrived to them.

"Nice to see you too Minho, I hope everyone settled in well at the loft and the safe haven." I asked ignoring the Shank comment.

He just nodded in reply as we all walked in the direction of Stiles's room, but as we approached I heard voices talking from inside the room. I quickly motioned for everyone to stop as the voices got louder causing others to look around also, before I could say anything my Dad opened the door causing those inside to stop shouting.

"Now this is a place of rest and recovery, what is with all the shouting about?" My Dad stated using him a stern tone on as he stepped inside the room.

He seemed to freeze after he said the sentence after fully entering the room, I was confused about what was happening but when I entered the room I found the Sheriff, my Dad, the Security Guard and Stiles's doctor all stood looking at the empty bed in front of them.

"Where is he?" I ask dreading what the reply may be but no one answered me they all seemed to just be frozen.

"WHERE IS HE?!" I shout to the room which caused Derek, Lydia and Minho to come running into the room.

"We don't know, I woke up and he was gone! They have searched the whole hospital and he seems to have just vanished." The Sheriff answered me finally answered me.

Thank you for reading - where is Stiles?? - New chapter will be up shortly!!

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