Chapter 16

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Welcome to Chapter 16, thank you for reading this far. Please feel free to leave any feedback whether good or bad as I am quite a new writer so any feedback is welcomed - enjoy!!

Scott POV

I couldn't help but notice the difference in Stiles since he had woken up after coming back to life. I could tell he was trying the act the way he used to before but it felt like he was forcing himself that way as though he was trying to remember how to be himself.

I headed back to the relative room that seemed to have become our designated meeting place since Stiles had been found, I walked in and found Lydia inside who seemed to be lost in her own world and didn't even seem to have noticed my arrival in the room.

"Lydia, are you okay?" I asked her as I sit down next to her.

"Did you know?" Lydia asks and I am confused over what she was asking about.

"Know what, Lydia?" I ask wondering if this was a Banshee moment or something else

"Did you know about the brand on his neck?" Lydia whispered out and I knew that it was only due to my wolf hearing that I heard her.

"What brand? I know he has a weird mark on the back of his neck from where he had the chip implanted and removed." I answer her confused by what she meant by brand did.

"Not that, below the mark on his neck they branded him, like he is some meat or property, a permanent reminder of what they put him through." Lydia explained her voice raising with anger with every word she spoke, tears coursing down her face.

I reached out and hugged her tight as I felt the tears come down my own face also, surprised by what Lydia had just told me. Why hadn't he told me or showed me? Does his Dad know? Does my Dad know?

But I need to know something, I pulled out of the hug with Lydia and handed her a tissue from the box sat on the table next to me.

"Lydia, what does it say?" I ask dread filling me as I asked these words but I need to know.

"Its says 'Property of W.I.C.K.E.D' and then underneath 'To be killed by Group B'. When I asked Stiles about that part it made him chuckle, he explained they actually became friends and had saved each others life instead of taking it." Lydia explained while wiping her tears away.

Before I could answer the door opened to reveal my Mum stood there, "Lydia, he is ready for you. I think we managed to get everything you need." Mum advised Lydia.

She simply nods and gives me a quick hug before leaving the room, leaving me alone for the first time in ages. I couldn't stop thinking about what Lydia had told me over and over again when my phone went off breaking me out of my train of thought. I noticed I had a message on my phone from the unknown number

I opened the unknown number's message quickly, curious about what it would say as I hadn't had a message from it so long, I read the message and it made me think more that my theory was right that the messages were some how Stiles.

'Well you wanted you and Stiles to me more alike, now you are more than you realise'

Why was he speaking about himself in third person, it was very strange, I remember than none of us had mentioned this to him or about his gift. I was broken again from my thoughts when Derek walked in the room.

"He's ready, are you?" He asks as I look at him and stand up following him out of the room to see my Dad stood with Lydia and Mum.

"Where's Stiles?" I enquire as I reached them with Derek.

"He will out in a few moments, he just needed a few minutes alone before we start this to prepare himself. Don't worry he looks more like himself again" Lydia explained.

As she finished speaking, the door behind her opened to reveal Stiles looking better than he had done in ages. He was wearing a plain navy blue top, black combat trousers and boots, he was carrying a small bag in his hand and I could see the holster strapped to his side.

"What? Why are you all looking at me like that? Have I got something on my face?" Stiles snaps out as he noticed we were all staring at him.

"Sorry, its just you are looking more like yourself but then in other ways you don't look like you. For example when did you go from 147 pounds of skin and bone to someone with muscles and I am guessing at least a solid six-pack going on eight pack?" Derek answered for everyone.

"I guess that's what happens when you have to run for your life 24/7 for the past few years or so. Shall we get this over and done with?" He states while shrugging his shoulders before heading towards the room as me and Derek headed to our agreed rooms.

Stiles POV

When Lydia had finished cutting and styling my hair, I changed into my outfit but found it hard putting it on again. How can there be so many memories connected to a piece of material?

After collecting my pouch from the drawers, I opened the door I noticed everyone was stood waiting for me. They all looked my way and just stared, it made me feel really uncomfortable having so much attention on me.

"What? Why are you all looking at me like that? Have I got something on my face?" I snap towards the group.

I was surprised as it was Derek who answered me, "Sorry, its just you are looking more like yourself but then in other ways you don't look like you. For example when did you go from 147 pounds of skin and bone to someone with muscles and I am guessing at least a solid six-pack going on eight pack?"

"I guess that's what happens when you have to run for your life 24/7 for the past few years or so. Shall we get this over with done with?" I state while shrugging my shoulders and heading over to the room where she was waiting for me.

I wait for a few minutes outside the door before nodding to the guard to open the door, I step in and come face to face with someone I never thought or wanted to see again.

"Hello Thomas! I'm sorry it's Stiles isn't it. Would you prefer me to call you Stiles." Ava greets me as I walk into the room.

"Well seeing as I only have memories of knowing you when I was Thomas I would find it strange if you called me anything else." I bluntly state.

"Very well, shall we begin then Thomas" she asks staring me straight in the eye.

Thank you for reading - new chapter will arrive soon!!

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