Chapter 3

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Welcome to Chapter 3 - enjoy this new chapter!!

My dad jumped up and welcomed the new arrivals into the room, he gestured for them to take a seat near to us, Minho and Brenda sat next to me whilst Jorge went and sat next to my dad. Once they were all seated we waited in uncomfortable silence waiting for them to talk until Isaac couldn't stand the silence any more.

"So how do you all know Thomas?" he enquired.

"I first met the shank in the maze, he has saved my life more times then I can count including the time that was just mentioned when we were struck by lightning. Why do you keep calling Thomas a different name? Minho explained and enquired at the same time.

"We knew Thomas before this all happened but we know him as Stiles which is his actual name." I explained.

"You wouldn't happen to be Scott would you?" Minho asked.

I was stunned that he knew my name, "How did you know that?" I stuttered out.

"During the maze not long before we escaped, Thomas was stabbed by a Griever and went through what we call the Changing. This is where all of your memories are unlocked but are still mixed up so you can't work out what is real and what is not." Minho began to explain.

"While he was recovering, Thomas kept calling out for Scott, Lydia, Derek, Malia, Isaac, Dad and some other names we couldn't work out. Once he recovered he kept having dreams or nightmares but he couldn't work out what was real or not real, we found him one night having a panic attack he kept mumbling about counting fingers but we couldn't work out what he meant. After this night he didn't discuss anything more about what he remembered or about his dreams."

I had hope building up inside me that my Stiles may still be here, I remembered the time he had the panic attack at school and he explained that you need to count the fingers as you have extra fingers in your dreams.

"He counts his fingers as you have extra fingers in dreams. A few years ago he had some issues where he couldn't sleep, had night terrors, sleep walking and couldn't tell if he was awake or asleep so would count his fingers to confirm whether this is real or not." I explained without trying to give away to much details about the supernatural.

They nodded to show they understood what I had explained, so I gestured for Minho to continue.

"Well after we escaped from W.I.C.K.E.D we were stuck in the middle of a scorching hot desert that just seemed to go on forever until the lightning storm came and it highlighted a building not to far from where we were." Minho continued.

"Me and Thomas were ahead of everyone as we were the fastest of the group, we were almost to the door when that dang lightning hit the ground between me and Thomas. The next thing I know is I am waking up to Thomas and Newt shouting my name while a torch light was been hovered over my face. Thomas had told everyone to keep going and that he would grab me, this Shank had just been thrown by lightening but was still leading us and trying to save us all. While exploring the building we were hiding in we ran into a couple of people who lets just say didn't give us a great first impression." Minho laughed while nudging Brenda.

I was confused by his story, since when did Stiles become a fast runner he would always complain when Coach asked us to run a few laps of the Lacrosse field. What was with all this strange words he kept using, he definitely had never heard this before.

"So we tied you up, hung you upside down and threatened you with guns but in the end who ended up saving you from W.I.C.K.E.D?" Brenda stated, not noticing the shocked look on all of our faces as she listed what they had done.

"Thomas and Newt" Minho joked which earned his a shove from Brenda.

"I suppose this is where we introduce and explain ourselves. I am Brenda and this is my adoptive father Jorge. We were stationed half way between a known W.I.C.K.E.D and a group in the mountains called the Right Arm." Brenda started.

"We had heard chatter of a group escaping from the trials and were heading in our direction, we were offered a large amount to capture them dead or alive with the condition that Thomas was not harmed. But what they didn't realise was they were already too late, I had already been contacted by an FBI agent advising me of the situation and saying I needed to protect them and either wait where we were if it was safe to do so or find Marcus who could direct us to where the Right Arm was. Isn't that right Rafael?" Jorge explained and stated towards my dad.

I remembered that dad had said he had connections near to the organisation but this was mad.

"Yes that is correct, using the chip information we knew where they were heading and I knew that Jorge could be trusted to keep them safe." My dad confirmed.

"When they arrived, Thomas and Minho were a bit smoky should we say from there close encounter but I need to make sure they were the ones we need to keep safe. I scanned the chip on the back of their necks and sent confirmation over to Rafael but W.I.C.K.E.D intercepted the message and knew they were running out of time. While I decided what to do I asked an associate to keep watch on them but he miss understood me and hung them up in the basement." Jorge continued to explain.

"Within half an hour of the message been sent we were surrounded by helicopters and trucks demanding we had over their property. I knew they meant Thomas and his group so I sent Brenda to collect them while I played my favourite song, I agreed to take them to safety and showed them a zip wire to a waiting bus so we can go locate Marcus as Rafael had advised. But a slight situation happened, W.I.C.K.E.D soldiers infiltrated the building and started firing at the remainder of the group. To try and by us more time Brenda took up a position and started picking them off one at time as they came nearer, Thomas been the stubborn person he is wanted to go last to make sure everyone was safe first. When I looked back to see where Brenda and Thomas were I couldn't see them and then the music stopped."

"Meanwhile after the last person went Thomas came to get me, when we turned around the exit was blocked and we couldn't get to Jorge and the others." Brenda continued.

"I knew we didn't have long to get out of there so I took Thomas over the roof racks and we slid down a pole to the underground tunnels where we could escape through an meet up with Jorge either outside or at Marcus's. Then the music stopped just before we could both get to the exit." Brenda stopped at the same point as Jorge.

"Why does it matter if the music stopped?" I enquired.

"The reason this record is my favourite is because it activates twenty hidden bombs spread throughout the building which causes it to fully collapse the building and all tunnels below, when the music stops the bombs go off." Jorge explained.

"Thomas pushed me out of the tunnel as the music stopped, when I looked back he wasn't there. He saved my life and I will always be thankful for that." Brenda said while tearing up.

Stiles was a hero, he saved her life and everyone else's, but how did he survive the explosion and the building collapse as he was still in the tunnel.

"How did he survive?" I voiced my question curious to hear more about how he had changed in the time he had been away.

"We don't know, when we found him he was passed out on the floor in Marcus's club." Jorge advised.

Thank you for reading - new chapter will be up shortly!!

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