Chapter 19

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Welcome to Chapter 19 - thank you everyone for reading this far and for voting - here is the next chapter, enjoy!!!

We all gathered at Stiles's house the next day for the pack meeting, everyone who Stiles had requested to be present were, I did notice however that he hadn't asked for Minho or any of the others Gladers to attend.

"Thank you all for coming, I am going to keep this short as possible. I am pretty sure you have better things to do then listen to me talking for hours on end. Now I am fully aware that well I was otherwise engaged shall we say, my Dad, Raf and Minho filled you in on what has happened. So what questions do you have for me?" Stiles stated while taking a seat in the middle of the room.

"Well, I think I speak with everyone when I say its great to have you back home. We have all missed you." Sheriff started and we all nodded in agreement.

"I will add that if you ever do anything like that again to us, I will rip your throat out with my teeth!" Derek stated and everyone burst out laughing at him.

"Can I ask, who are you right now?" I asked knowing it may confuse some people in the room.

"Well right now, in this room with you all I am Stiles. That felt weird to say as I haven't felt like me in such a long time." Stiles started before stopping seeming to notice the confused looks he was receiving.

"Before you ask, no I am not possessed again, I guess the Gladers didn't explain this bit or you all. When you start working for W.I.C.K.E.D, you are assigned a nickname based on your talents, as you are aware I was given the name of Thomas. During my time working with them, before the maze, they conducted some tests to push our minds to there maximum potential to see what made us so different."

"Well for me and Teresa, the results were a lot different to everyone else. From my first day to her last day we had a bond that no one could explain, I don't think even now I can fully explain it. We discovered that we had this ability to talk to each other through our minds, after a few months of practicing and actually a mistake we found out we could do it via technology also."

"As you can probably guess they found out, so they increased the test been done on us but then as you are aware they found out what I was doing and put me through the swipe and Thomas was born." Stiles explained and I noticed he seemed to be getting more paler as he spoke.

"How is Thomas still here now though, you remember that your Stiles and remember all of us. But yet at the hospital speaking with Ava, you would only be addressed as Thomas. I also received message from you asking me to pass a message from you to Thomas?" I enquire hoping everyone was just as confused as me.

"Due to whatever experiments they ran on me, it has had shall we say a lasting effect on me. I don't have all the answers yet but it caused me to have a split personality that can be triggered by number of different reasons." Stiles advises while taking sips of water before placing the bottle on the counter.

I noticed Stiles was fighting to stay standing, knowing if I asked him how he was we would just get the typical Stiles answer of 'I'm fine'.

"Right that is enough for today, Stiles needs to rest. Derek, can you help me please?" I state to the room, receiving nods from everyone accept the person I was talking about.

Derek walked over to us and picked Stiles up and popped him over his shoulder and headed out of the room, I quickly followed to make sure he was okay. The strange thing is Stiles wasn't even complaining about Derek carrying him, as I got closer I noticed that he was already fast asleep.

We gently laid him down on his bed and noticed that my Mum and the Sheriff had followed us up. I understood why the Sheriff had came but my Mum I was confused about.

"I noticed the same as you that he seemed to go very pale while he was talking and then completely zoned out so thought best to check his vitals again before we head home." Mum explains sitting down next to the sleeping Stiles.

Two months later....

I knew things would take a while to get back to normal but in the two months since Stiles had been released from hospital he had barely done any jokes or sarcastic comments.

Today was a big day for him he was finally going to see the Safe Haven, his friends had been to visit him since he has got home but this was different this was the place that cost him his friends and lover.

To celebrate Stiles's visit they had decided to throw a bonfire party which we were all invited to, to celebrate the victory over W.I.C.K.E.D and to remember all those they had lost to create the Safe Haven. But first Stiles was visiting the Sheriff station as today was his first day starting his new role, I decided to meet him at his house so I could go with him as moral support.

"Hello, is anyone home?" I shout as I enter the house.

"Hey Scott, I'm in the kitchen" The Sheriff shouts back as I close the door behind me.

As I walk in I notice him sat at the table reading the paper with a mug of coffee, grabbing a mug of coffee myself I went and sat opposite him noticing the absent person from the room.

"Let me guess he is still took up in bed fast asleep. Do you need me to drag him out of bed?" I asked.

"No need, he's not there. Since his stitches were removed he has been up every morning going for a run, a different amount of time building up his strength each day. He should be back in about 3,2,1." He explains and as his count down finishes Stiles comes through the door.

"Scotty, what are you doing here? Did I forget we had something on today because I have to go into the station." Stiles hurried out before taking a few gulps of water.

"Oh no, I knew you had to go today so thought I would come along for emotional support and then thought we could go together to the Safe Haven." I explain.

"You do realise that all I am doing today is paper work and then going to the gun range, to get recertified to carry my gun again. Let me go get changed and we can head off." He explains while heading upstairs.

It didn't even feel like he had been gone at all and he was already back ready to go dressed in a suit carrying a smaller bag, we left the house headed to his jeep and drove towards the station.

"So I heard you have been running?" I state noting the amused tone in my voice.

"Yeah, I have been so used to running everyday around the maze or in the scorch. Its been strange not running all the time, so I started running in the mornings and sometime in the evening if I can't sleep." Stiles explained.

As we swing into the station I notice Stiles heart rate pick up slightly and his anxiety levels rise.

"Hey, you will be okay. We will take this one step at a time. If it gets to much just tell me and I will get you out of there." I advise while giving his arm a pat of encouragement.

"Okay lets do this!" he states getting out of the jeep and heading straight for the main entrance.

Thank you for reading - new chapter will be up shortly!!!

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