Chapter 6

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Welcome to Chapter 6 - we have arrived at the first chapter with a video included, I am sorry if you are either not a fan of videos within stories or are unable to view the video, from the story been told you should be able to work out what the clip shows. Enjoy!

We decided before the next part of the story was continued to have a small break so we could refresh ourselves and so Mum and the Sheriff could get an update on Stiles's condition.

I headed over to the pack to see how they were coping with what we were hearing particularly Lydia as her and Stiles had confessed there feelings for each other before he had left to the FBI academy.

"How are we all doing?" I asked, smacking myself for asking the daft question.

"It's a lot to take in and makes me wonder more and more how Stiles is going to be when he wakes up. Will he know who we are? Will he still be the same goofball we knew? Did he still feel the same way about me?." Lydia listed off as I pulled her into a tight hug.

I didn't know how to answer the questions that were been asked as I was thinking the same way. Stiles seemed to have grown close with these Gladers, would I still be his best friend or brother or am I now just a stranger.

I heard the door open and my dad came in carrying a laptop and screen which caused me and the pack to look at him in confusing way. Noticing our confused looks he set them down and came over to explain.

"There are some things that has happened that we can not explain with our words what has happened as we were not there so we managed to collect some footage from cameras from the Right Arm, body camera footage and building footage from W.I.C.K.E.D's mainframe that we have access to." He explained.

Everyone returned to the room along with a few new additions, the first I recognised as Deaton who I jumped up and hugged gratefully he was here. He went to sit with the rest of the pack, the other new people had finished saying hello to Jorge, Brenda, Minho and my dad introduced themselves.

"I'm Vince and this is Frypan. We are friends of Thomas, I am the leader of the Right Arm and Frypan was in the maze with Minho and Thomas." The older gentleman explained.

After they took a seat my mum and the Sheriff returned with an update, I was praying for some good news, after some quick introductions they took a seat as we all waited to hear what they had found out.

"They are just finishing off now, he is not out of the woods yet but they think he is going to be okay. They confirmed to us that he had a gun shot wound to the right-side of his lower chest which had broke his ribs and damaged his liver, they managed to repair the damage and have fitted plates to his ribs to keep them stable while they heal. The stab wound over his heart was not to deep so they managed to clean it out and close the wound up, he has a concussion and the small cuts on his arms and face have been cleaned and closed. They will monitor him closely but now is a waiting game for him to wake up when he is ready, they are unsure what he will remember when he does so we will take this one step at a time" The Sheriff explained to the room as a whole.

I felt a sense of relief ripple around the room to know he was alive but was shocked as to how hurt he was. After we all had time to absorb the news we settled in ready for the next stage of the story to start.

"Some of what happened next is a mystery to all of us, the only ones that know what truly happened are Teresa and Thomas but neither of them are currently here for us to ask them. When we arrived at the Right Arm we found a few others who had escaped from W.I.C.K.E.D also but they were the reverse to us, they were all girls apart from one boy called Aris who had escaped with us." Minho continued the story.

"Thomas found us after helping Mary to save Brenda, he instantly asked where Teresa was, she had separated from the group and was stood looking out over the mountain range. Next thing we know bombs were dropping from the sky along with men with guns who were shooting us down with tasers. They rounded us all up and I noticed that Thomas was missing and hoped he had got as far away as he could but the stupid shank couldn't leave us behind. As soon as this Ratman asked for Thomas he appeared and handed himself over."

I thought I had heard wrong when Deaton spoke up and said, "Did you say Ratman?"

"Yeah, it was the nickname Thomas had gave this guy that worked for W.I.C.K.E.D the first time we met him. At the time we didn't know who he was but seems like the nickname was correct." Minho chuckled while explaining.

We all jumped when my phone went off from the middle of the table, I slowly walked over to it and saw it was the same unknown number again with another cryptic message which I read out to the room.

'Mr, Janson and Ava Paige'

I was didn't recognise the names on the message but judging by the looks been given by the Gladers, Vince, Jorge, Brenda and my dad they knew who they were.

"Ratman's real name is Mr, Janson and Ava Paige was the leader of W.I.C.K.ED" my dad explained before I could ask.

"When we were all lined up like animals waiting to be slaughtered, Ava arrived and revealed it was Teresa who had let them know where we were. During this time, Mary had spoke up to try and protect us and they killed her. As she turned to leave she motioned for us to start been loaded up when Thomas put his hidden plan into place." Minho explained.

"What plan did he have?" Chris asked as he was well aware of Stiles's plan making before he left to the FBI.

"It will be easier if we show you as a lot happened in such a short time period" Vince stated while loading up the camera footage from the camp.

"We quickly retreated back away from everything but Minho here was captured by W.I.C.K.E.D saving Thomas. Once morning arrived we walked around the camp trying to salvage what we could before we were going to head to the safe haven which was created by the FBI." Vince explained.

"But Thomas advised us that he was not coming with us, he had promised Minho that he would protect him and was going to save him and put an end to W.I.C.K.E.D once and for all. He said he was going to kill Ava Paige." Vince finished.

We were all shocked, the main rule of my pack was no killing and we knew how killing Donovan had affected him so much and that was an accident but now he was talking about murder. Just as I saw Lydia open her mouth my phone went off again, I reached over and grabbed it and read out the message showing.

"We can't all be true alpha's, some of us are human"

Thank you for reading - new chapter will be up shortly!!

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