Chapter 22

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Welcome to Chapter 22 - thank you for reading, adding this story to your reading lists and voting - I hope you are enjoying it so far - here is the next chapter, enjoy!!

Scott POV

As Stiles finishes his song  and the applause dies down he shouts through the mic that it was my turn next. As I pass him he pats my back for encouragement. Before I could start my chosen song a scream ripples through the air before a girl who couldn't be no older then ten comes running towards where we are all gathered.

"Please someone help me! Me and my brother were walking in the woods as this guy grabbed us. He let me go saying I needed to find Thomas otherwise he was throwing my brother into the Maze. Please tell me Thomas is here!" She hurries out, the urgency evident in her voice as I look at Stiles as he heads over towards the girls.

"Where is he? You stay here with everyone, they will protect you and I will return with your brother." Stiles states while pulling out the gun from the back of his jeans.

"No way, I am coming with you. We are not splitting up again." I state grabbing his arm to stop him.

"I'm sorry Scott but this I have to do alone. If I am in trouble I will signal you, Chris gave me one of his admitters so I can signal if I ever need you." Stiles explained before running off in the direction that the young girl had given.

Ten minutes had passed and he still hadn't returned, I was starting to worry but was broken from my thoughts when a young boy who was a similar age to young girl came through the woods where Stiles had entered.

"Johnny" the young girl who we found out was called Jane shouted as he came into view. Jane went crashing into her brother checking to make sure he was okay.

"Johnny, what happened?" I asked fearing the answer I may get as he returned without Stiles.

Before he could answer a soft humming sound filled my ears, the admitter, I raced off in the direction the sound was coming from ignoring the shouts from everyone, but at the moment all I could focus on was that my brother needed me.

As I got closer to where the sound was coming from, I was faced with a giant wall in my way, I couldn't work out how we had missed these they were only a stones throw away from where we are all gathered.

I headed into the forest that ran along next to the walls in question trying to find away around them to get to where Stiles was as I could here the admitter coming from behind them. As I got to the opening of the walls I spotted Stiles standing just inside the opening with a man I didn't recognise pointing a gun directly at Stiles's head.

"Did you really think that you could kill me that easily? I have fought of cranks longer than you have been alive, now we are going to continue where we were or I am going to go and kill all those you love in the most painful way possible." The man spat at Stiles with such a sound of hatred in his voice.

"What makes you think that I will believe anything you will say? How do you not know that I always knew you were alive and planned for your return? You know nothing of who I was before I started working for W.I.C.K.E.D!" Stiles spat back as I noticed his eyes finally spotting me.

"I know exactly who you were then and who you are now. You were the boy who ran with Wolves, possessed by a Nogitsune and survived to tell the tale, you are the son of the town Sheriff who got accepted into the elite FBI academy and was assigned to take down our organisation. You were one of the creators of the Maze Trail before we wiped your memories and stuck you in the maze. Now do you need me to continue or has that answered your question?" The man stated which shocked me that he knew so much about him.

Who is this man?

"Oh I forgot something, your best friend is a Werewolf, a True Alpha if I am not mistaken, who has been watching us since you signalled him to help you. But that was your first mistake, you said you have been preparing for my return but what makes you think I didn't prepare for you and your pack." He stated while pulling out another gun from the back of his trousers.

"The bullets in this gun are laced with Wolfsbane with Mistletoe infused inside them, specially designed by me to use on your friends. Now if you don't do what I say, I will put a bullet in your friend's head. Now make your choice will you either enter the Maze again or watch your friends die a painful death because of you?" He states aiming the gun directly at me as I break the tree line as there is no point hiding anymore.

"Stiles don't do this please, I have just got you back I can not and will not lose you again. Remember that time we were on the roof and I was going to go with Deucalion and you said to me that we always have a Plan B, there has to be a Plan B." I state panic running through my voice as I notice that the wall had started to close.

"I am sorry but on this occasion there is no Plan B but there is a Plan C, as I said earlier I knew one day you would return and we prepared. Now something that you forgot earlier when you were explaining who I was, after my encounter with the Nogitsune I  trained with Chris Argent who you may wish to know is a highly skilled hunter and he taught me some very useful things. Which means not only do I have the courage, wisdom and strength of Thomas but I also have the intelligence and hunter skills of Stiles and that combination can either make me your worst enemy or your best weapon in a war." Stiles started to explain.

"You forgot something when you said Stiles is the son of the town Sheriff, you forgot to mention the part where Stiles has spent his entire life hanging around the Sheriff Station been surrounded night and day by law enforcement officers. All of who would stop at nothing to protect me and have learnt me a few trade secrets, along with the fact you forgot to mention that I have a great talent for distracting people so they can't see what is happening right in front of them." Stiles finishes off as I hear growls echoing around me, guns been cocked and knives been drawn. 

I slowly look around and I see the Sheriff, Parrish, Chris, Dad, Lydia, Vince, Jorge, Minho, Gally, Derek and everyone else that came to the bonfire tonight to welcome Stiles home coming out of the edge of the forest ready to protect Stiles and me.

"Well I must say, I am very impressed but you are also forgetting one very important detail in this Plan C of yours." The man stated with a smirk on his face as he lowers the gun aimed at my head and seems to tighten his grip on the one pointing towards Stiles's head.

"Please enlighten me Rat Man, what exactly am I missing? You are completely surrounded with only two options available, surrender and spending the rest of your life in a bottomless pit like Ava or you have the choice of several bullets, knife or claw wounds or all of them which I will make certain will actually kill you this time." Stiles enquired finally identifying the man.

"How are you going to stop me when you are trapped in the Maze?" Rat Man states as he lowers his gun slightly and pulls the trigger.

Time seems to be going in slow motion after the gun fires, as the bullet makes contact with Stiles he is thrown further inside the Maze as the doors slammed shut with a echo that shook the ground, just as Rat Man drops his gun and gets to his knees before he his quickly handcuffed and dragged away by Parrish and Dad.

"Stiles! Can you hear me?" I shouted as loud as I could banging on the walls praying they would open.

Stiles POV

I really really hate that guy, why is it all the bad guys come back but never any of the good guys?

I lie on the ground contemplating this thought when I realise that  I was just shot again by that Rat for the second time yet I was not in any pain.

 Why am I not in pain?

Before I could think anymore I noticed that someone was hovering over me but I couldn't quite work out who it was.

"Well look who it is? Welcome back Tommy, I didn't expect to see you again this soon" the voice joked as my vision cleared to reveal who was talking.

"Newt?" I breathe out.

Thank you for reading - new chapter will be up shortly!!!

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