Chapter 15

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Welcome to Chapter 15 - thank you everyone who has read and voted on this story so far, we have officially reached the half way stage yay!- here is the next chapter - pre warning it is slightly long, enjoy!!!

Lydia POV

I headed towards Stiles's room with Melissa slightly confused as to why Stiles would be asking to see us out of everyone else here, me more then Melissa. We haven't even spoken since the whole I kissed you and some what brought you back to life situation happened.

When we reached his room, I hesitate slightly before reaching out my shaking hand and gently knocked on his door and waited for his response.

"Come in!" I hear from inside the room and I open the door to reveal Stiles sat on the edge of the bed.

"Thank you both for coming, I need your help. But first I realised I haven't said thank you to either of you for saving my life more times then I can count." Stiles started.

"As you may have heard, Ava has requested to speak with me and I don't want to see her looking like this. Scott has gone to grab my bag for me but I need both of your help before he returns please." Stiles explains waving his hands all over his face and body.

"Anything at all for you Stiles, what do you need help from us with?" Melissa asks as we move to sit down on the bed next to him.

"Well you may have noticed that my hair is almost the same length as Malia's before she did that whole big chop and I do not want her to see her to see me like this." He explained motioning towards the IV in his arms and the oxygen tube on his nose.

"I was her science experiment for so long, she kept trying to break me down saying I wasn't strong enough. I want to show her that she was wrong about me, that I am strong and that she has not and will not defeat me. So can you help me with this?" He finishes off and I have to fight back the tears.

"Well, we were looking to get you released tomorrow as we think it would help you to heal better being at home. So I can remove the IV's now and the oxygen but you will need to take the oxygen home with you. You still need to use it at night time for another week or so as you seem to still be having some trouble breathing while your asleep." Melissa explained before her and Stiles looked towards me.

"Well, if we can get you a decent shower as frankly you look like you got dragged through a hedge backwards and what is that smell? We can then get you a shave done also as you can almost plait your face hair, you do not need to walk around looking like you are constantly wolfing out." I start listing out taking in his full appearance properly for the first time since he got back.

"I am also thinking we need to apply some make up to hide the bags that have formed under your eyes, seriously when was the last time you slept that didn't include either been drugged, knocked out or dying." I say giving him a gentle nudge.

"Wow Lyds, did you want to hold back at all." Stiles joked, it was nice to hear some of his old self coming back.

"Well you did ask for our help and in my defence you had already mentioned about the length of your hair. Is there anything I missed that you need our help or attention with?" I ask noticing him looking down and rubbing the back of his neck.

"Actually yeah there is one more thing, I need your hand in covering this up. I know the mark from where the chip was removed can't be hidden but is there anything that can be done about the brand?" He enquires as he turns around and opens up the top of the hospital gown and we read what is present.



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